The invention of the cotton gin, in 1793, started an industrial revolution in farming. Many families decided to leave Delaware and make their fortune raising cotton in Georgia. In the autumn of 1795, James and Patience (Marvel) Knowles, with their six children, started for their new home in the South. With their possessions in a covered wagon, they made the long and tedious journey through Maryland, Virginia and the Carolinas into Green County, Georgia. They settled about fifteen miles south of the present city of Greensboro. Prettyman Marvel, his family along with Elisha Marvel and his family soon followed the Knowles family to Green County, Georgia in 1798. The Land Lottery of Georgia showed that Prettyman and Elisha Marvel took land, side by side in 1805. Eli Marvel and his wife came to Georgia about the same time.
James Knowles and Patience Marvel
PATIENCE MARVEL was born Jan 21, 1758 in Sussex County, Delaware, and died May 05, 1817 in Mount Station, Indiana. She married JAMES KNOWLES 1778 in Sussex County, Delaware, son of RICHARD KNOWLES Sr. He was born May 09, 1757 in Sussex County, Delaware and died Oct 23, 1839 in Ft. Branch, Gibson County, Indiana
Marriage Notes for PATIENCE MARVEL and JAMES KNOWLES : James and Patience Knowles were born in Delaware about the middle of the 17th century and were married in 1778. There were born to them in Delaware seven children, six sons and one daughter, one son dying in infancy. In 1795 they moved to Georgia, where they lived 16 years and then came to Indiana in 1811, having had three sons added to their family in Georgia. Patience Knowles lived only about five years after locating in Indiana. James Knowles remarried the Widow Clark, and unto them two children were born, a son and a daughter, the latter dying in infancy. James Knowles raised 10 children and had one hundred and eight grandchildren born, 93 of whom lived to be grown. Prettyman raised 10 children; James raised 9 children; Comfort raised 9 children; Nathan raised 7 children; Ephriam raised 13children; Eli raised 9 children; Asa raised 9 children; John raised 10 children. ( Source: Newspaper – Gipson County TODAY; published Monday, October 2, 1995) ; Burial: 1839, Farm, Gibson County, Indiana
- PRETTYMAN MARVEL3 KNOWLES was born on 16 Sep 1780 in Sussex County, Delaware. He died on 08 Mar 1871 in Petersburg, Menard County, Illinois. He married Martha Patsy Greer on 03 Aug 1802 in Green County, Georgia. She was born on 05 Dec 1786 in Ireland. She died on 04 Jun 1870 in Petersburg, Menard County, Illinois.
- JAMES KNOWLES JR. was born on 03 Aug 1783 in Sussex County, Delaware. He died on 01 Mar 1861 in Johnson, Gibson County, Indiana. He married Anna Reed on 03 Jan 1806 in Green County, Georgia. She was born in 1792 in North Carolina. She died in 1845 in Gibson County, Indiana.
- EDMUND ‘EDDY’ JOHN KNOWLES was born on 03 Aug 1785 in Lewes, Sussex County, Delaware. He died on 01 Apr 1859 in Fayette, Georgia. He married Nancy Fitzpatrick on 10 Jun 1811 in Georgia. She was born in 1790 in Georgia. She died in 1871 in Fayette, Georgia.
- JESSE MARVEL KNOWLES was born on 10 Jul 1787 in Sussex County, Delaware. He died on 14 Mar 1852 in Petersburg, Menard County, Illinois. He married Elizabeth Reid on 09 Apr 1807 in Greene County, Georgia. She was born on 06 May 1793 in Greene County, Georgia. She died on 06 Jan 1868 in Menard, Illinois.
- COMFORT MARVEL KNOWLES was born on 14 Feb 1790 in Sussex County, Delaware. She died on 31 Dec 1868 in Gibson County, Indiana. She married Joshua Wilson on 09 Apr 1807 in Greene County, Georgia. He was born on 18 Jun 1775 in Virginia. He died on 11 Apr 1839 in Gibson County, Indiana.
- NATHAN KNOWLES was born on 17 Jun 1795 in Sussex County, Delaware. He died on 02 Feb 1892 in Knowles Station, Gibson, Indiana.
- EPHRIAM KNOWLES was born on 25 Oct 1797 in Greene County, Georgia. He died on 17 Aug 1882 in Gibson County, Indiana. He married Cynthia Kimball on 20 Oct 1825. She was born on 01 Apr 1809 in Gibson County, Indiana. She died on 04 Oct 1865 in Gibson County, Indiana. He married (2) LOUISA NIGHT.
- ELI W KNOWLES was born on 02 Sep 1799 in Greene County, Georgia. He died on 15 Feb 1868 in Gibson County, Indiana. He married Elizabeth Scott on 07 Oct 1824. She was born on 02 Apr 1803 in Tennessee. She died on 22 Oct 1858 in Gibson County, Indiana.
Notes for Eli W Knowles: Occupation was School Teacher, Farmer, Doctor according to - ASA KNOWLES was born on 05 Mar 1802 in Greensboro, Greene, Georgia. He died on 06 Jul 1898 in Quincy, Greenwood, Kansas. He married (1) Matilda Montgomery on 07 Jun 1828 in Gibson County, Indiana. She was born on 23 Jun 1809 in Knox County, Indiana. She died on 13 Jun 1857 in Gibson County, Indiana. He married (2) SUSAN BROWN. She was born in 1833. She died on 20 Feb 1897.
According to the plan, James and Patience disposed of the remaining property in Georgia and in November 1811 the Knowles family started the journey to Indiana Territory. In all it was a caravan of twenty-three people and their possessions. When they passed through the Cherokee Indian country they found the Indians were not all hostile, some were willing to sell them the provisions they needed.
As they neared the Ohio River on November the 5th, news of the “Battle of Tippecanoe” reached the caravan. We question the date because that only gave them 5 days to travel over 300 miles. It was probably December 5 instead of November. Some family members felt that they should stay in Kentucky. The older members of the caravan, however, were determined to join their kinsmen in Indiana. On the evening of December 16 (1811) they camped on the northern shore of the Ohio River. While there they felt the tremors of the “Great Earthquake of 1811”. The next morning, as they continued their journey north they were met by John Marvel and Jesse Knowles. They had come to meet them and guide them on to “Old Fort Branch”. After only a couple of days rest the Knowles family began building a cabin of poles in the dense forest.
In the midst of this happiness, prosperity and contentment, sadness touched their lives on the May 5, 1817. Patience (Marvel) Knowles, wife of James, died of consumption. After Patience death, James married a second time. He married Mrs. Elizabeth (Fugate) Clark, a widow with five children. To this couple was born two more children, a daughter, Prudence, who died in infancy and a son, John Lowery Knowles. James died 23 October 1839 and was buried beside Patience, his wife of many years
Soon another member of the James and Patience Knowles family immigrated to Indiana. Eddy Knowles had married Nancy Kirkpatrick while in Georgia. They packed their belongings on the back of a horse and a Negro slave. Bringing up the rear was their very large dog
In 1812 David and Nancy (Piper) Knowles left Kentucky to join their relatives in southern Indiana. Their sons William and Richard Knowles were born in Georgia. Sons Marvel and Archibald were born in Kentucky. Four more sons and four daughters were born to them in Indiana, their names were Elizabeth, Comfort, John, David, Lavina, Henry, Permelia and Logan. The Knowles and Marvels are, by now, naming their children after each other and it is getting more difficult to keep these families straight.
Prettyman Marvel, Sr.
PRETTYMAN MARVEL, SR. was born Jan 29, 1763 in Dagsboro, Sussex County, Delaware, and died Oct 01, 1856 in Waynesville, Dewitt Co., Illinois. He married LAVINA ROGERS 1788 in Sussex County, Delaware, daughter of JOHN ROGERS and COMFORT PRETTYMAN. She was born 1765 in Sussex County, Delaware, and died 1848 in Gibson County, Indiana.
Notes for PRETTYMAN MARVEL, SR.: Prettyman Marvel, Sr. (1763-1856), sixth child of David and Sarah (Prettyman) Marvel, was the first to bear the given name of Prettyman. He must have been an admirable character as the name was carried down in the family for several years.
Prettyman Marvel was the first cousin to Elisha Marvel. Since their wives were sisters, he was also a brother-in-law to Elisha Marvel. They were very good friends also. Prettyman and family were with the group that moved to Green County, Georgia near the present day town of Greensboro, in 1796. the Land Lottery of Georgia shows that Prettyman and Elisha took land, side by side in 1805. Due to poor health, caused by the humid weather in Georgia Prettyman and family moved to Gibson County, Indiana in the year 1809. At the same time Elisha and Orpha disposed of their property and left Georgia, but stopped in Livingston County, Kentucky where they stayed two years, and then moved to the same location as Prettyman, in the year 1811.
Lavina (Rogers) Marvel, as well as her sisters, were skilled in the dispensation of the medicine of the day. She went about the neighborhood looking after the needs of the sick. It was while engaged in the benevolent practice that she had two falls from her horse and suffered injuries from which she never recovered.
In 1796 Prettyman Marvel had finished his business affairs in Delaware so he and Lavina and their two children decided to join the James Knowles family in Georgia. The Marvels traveled by the water route, along the Atlantic coast, to their destination. David Knowles, son of Richard II and Prudence (Marvel) Knowles, accompanied his uncle Prettyman and family on their journey. While in Georgia David met and married Nancy Piper.
The first record of Prettyman having bought land in Georgia is in 1805 when he bought 211.25 acres from his brother-in-law, James Knowles. The first few years in Georgia were spent clearing the land, building homes and raising cotton. Prettyman and his relatives found the soil, in Georgia, to be not as fertile as the Delaware soil. After a few years of very poor returns on his crops and failing health, due to the humid climate, Prettyman and his family felt they needed to leave Georgia. They had all heard that large tracts of land were available in the Territory of Indiana. Then the Territory included what is now known as Illinois.
Prettyman Marvel and David Knowles, along with their families, headed North in December of 1808. James Knowles and his family could not leave Georgia yet and remained behind to finish up his affairs. The others left with the promise to prepare the way for the James Knowles family. By this time Prettyman and Lavina had five more children born in Georgia. With their seven children and David Knowles and his family they left on horseback and in wagons In that year he moved to the southern part of the county settling in the forest a short distance south of where Princeton was later located, where he resided until 1811.
The trip to Indiana was an extremely difficult one. There were many reports of Indian massacres coming out of the North. Floods were another hazard that detained them at times. They stopped in Livingston county, Kentucky during the summer of 1809. Here Lavina gave birth to their eighth child, Elizabeth. The group crossed Ohio River that autumn and settled near “Old Fort Branch” in Gibson county, Indiana. A year later, in the autumn of 1810, Prettyman returned to Georgia to finish his business there. When he started home it was decided that Jesse Knowles, son of James and Patience Knowles, would accompany Prettyman on his return trip to Indiana. In early 1811 Jesse and Elizabeth (Reid) Knowles packed their possessions on the back of a horse. Elizabeth and the baby rode atop the pack while Jesse walked and led his family to Indiana.
After settling in Gibson County, Prettyman and Lavina Marvel had another son, George Rogers Marvel. Lavina was 50 years old when he was born. The Prettyman Marvel home was located in Gibson county, about 4 1/2 miles southwest of the present city of Owensville, in Montgomery Township. It was less than a mile northeast of the Black River Schoolhouse and about the same distance southeast of the Antioch church. Prettyman and Lavina Marvel united with the Methodist Church. They worshiped under the ministry of the first preacher in the Indiana Territory. Besides the family worship, which was held regularly morning and evening, Prettyman also read the scriptures at the noon hour. Their home was the first preaching places in Indiana when there was only one presiding elder and six preachers in the entire Territory. The Marvels were devout people and a place of worship was very important.
George Rogers Marvel and his family remained at the Marvel homestead, in Gibson county, until 1849. He then bought a farm in Posey County, Indiana, near Poseyville and New Harmony. On this farm he built a small comfortable home for his parents who were both in their eighties by then. In 1850 Lavina died in Harmony Twp. and is buried in an unmarked grave. Prettyman moved into the big house with his son and family. In 1851 George Roger decided to buy a large farm in Franklin county, Illinois. The farm was located near the Cave Township. George Rogers took his father, Prettyman, with him to the new home.
In the fall of 1855 Wiley Marvel, Prettyman’s fourth son, reconditioned the old carriage. He had used the carriage bringing his family to Illinois in 1852. Wiley and his brother-in-law, John Barr (Comfort’s husband), went to Franklin county and brought Prettyman to central Illinois to visit his children living there. Prettyman spent that winter with Wiley and Charity and their seven children. In May of the following year, 1856, Prettyman went to visit his daughter Comfort and her husband, John Barr, who lived about two miles south of Waynesville. He stayed the summer and on 1 October 1856, at the age of 93 years he died. He is buried in Evergreen Cemetery at Waynesville, Illinois.
Sources: l. Gibson County Indiana History. 2. The Marvel Family of England, ibid (see Roberte Marvel). 3. Cox, Carroll and Gloria, “We the People of North Central Posey County,” printed by C&E Enterprises, a division of Hope’s Hopechest, Route 1, Poseyville, Indiana 47633, p. 47 and 48. 4. The Marvel Family by Mildred Burwell; Compendium of American General.; Joan Knowles, Corres.; Helen Marvel, Corres.; John W. Crossno,III via H. Marvel; The Brief History of Marvel Family by Daisy (Marvel) Jones; Reunion of the Knowles Family by Rev. Levin Wilson
Prettyman Marvel and his wife Lavina – Moved to Green County, Georgia in 1796, Gibson County, Indiana in 1808, and to Waynesville, DeWitt County, Illinois in 1854.
SOURCES: l. Gibson County Indiana History. 2. The Marvel Family of England, ibid (see Robert Marvel). 3. Cox, Carroll and Gloria, “We the People of North Central Posey County,” printed by C&E Enterprises, a division of Hope’s Hopechest, Route 1, Poseyville, Indiana 47633, p. 47 and 48.
- JOHN ROGERS3 MARVEL was born on 08 Apr 1794 in Sussex County, Delaware. He died on 18 Nov 1876 in Mount Carmel, Wabash County, Illinois. He married Mary Barkley ‘Polly’ Barr, daughter of John Barr and Nancy Agnes Hamilton, on 16 Jul 1818 in Gibson County, Indiana. She was born on 18 Oct 1801 in Chester County, South Carolina. She died in Jun 1824 in Gibson County, Indiana. He married Elizabeth Bessie Williams, daughter of John Williams and Unknown White, on 19 Jul 1825 in Posey, Indiana. She was born in 1792 in Montgomery County, Kentucky. She died in 1843 in Gibson County, Indiana.
- PATIENCE MARVEL was born in 1796 in Sussex County, Delaware. She died on 04 Dec 1882 in Gibson County, Indiana. She married Robert Montgomery, son of James Montgomery and Jane Lindsey, on 30 Apr 1812 in Black River Basin, Knox County, Indiana. He was born in 1780 in Mill Creek Hundred, New Castle, Delaware. He died on 15 Apr 1846 in Cynthiana, Posey County, Indiana.
- COMFORT MARVEL was born on 04 Apr 1799 in Green County, Georgia. She died on 21 Oct 1865 in Barnett, De Witt, Illinois. She married John Barr III, son of John Barr and Nancy Agnes Hamilton, on 29 Jan 1822 in Gibson County, Indiana. He was born on 04 Apr 1799 in Chester, Chester, South Carolina. He died on 18 May 1882 in Harper, Sedgwick, Kansas.
- PRETTYMAN MARVEL JR. was born on 08 May 1801 in Green County, Georgia. He died on 23 Jul 1842 in Waynesville, De Witt County, Illinois (Age: 41). He married Rebecca Barr, daughter of John Barr and Nancy Agnes Hamilton, on 15 May 1823 in Owensville, Gibson County, Indiana. She was born on 21 Apr 1806 in Chester County, South Carolina, United States of America. She died on 30 Sep 1893 in Waynesville, De Witt County, Illinois (Age: 87).
- JAMES WESLEY MARVEL was born on 10 Dec 1803 in Green County, Georgia. He died on 03 Jan 1885 in Gibson County, Indiana. He married Comfort Susan Knowles, daughter of David Knowles and Nancy Piper, on 30 Jul 1829 in Gibson County, Indiana. She was born on 28 Sep 1813 in Gibson County, Indiana. She died on 30 May 1883 in Montgomery, Gibson County, Indiana.
- WILEY H MARVEL was born on 04 Apr 1806 in Greene County, Georgia. He died on 27 Jul 1883 in Midland City, De Witt County, Illinois. He married Charity Fugat Clark, daughter of Braxton Clark and Elizabeth Fugat, on 30 Mar 1826 in Gibson County, Indiana. She was born on 05 Feb 1807 in French Broad River, North Carolina. She died on 14 Jan 1868 in Midland City, De Witt County, Illinois. He married Sarilda Martin, daughter of Phillip Wiggins Martin and
Mary (Polly) Guthrie, on 01 Aug 1870 in Logan County, Illinois. She was born on 03 Apr 1833 in Indiana. She died on 26 Feb 1872 in Waynesville, De Witt County, Illinois (Age: 38). He married (3) CHRISTIANA W. MARTIN. She was born on 28 Mar 1824 in Indiana. She died on 01 Jan 1894 in Hamilton, Nebraska. - ELIZABETH MARVEL was born in 1809 in Livingston County, Kentucky. She died on 11 Sep 1849 in Polk City, Jefferson, Iowa. She married Edmund Browning McReynolds, son of Edward McReynolds and Sarah Anderson, on 03 Mar 1836 in Gibson County, Indiana. He was born on 12 Apr 1816 in Sumner County, Tennessee. He died on 18 May 1876 in Brown County, Texas.
- NANCY MARVEL was born on 27 Mar 1813 in Greene County, Georgia. She died on 31 Aug 1845 in Gibson County, Indiana. She married Nathaniel Mahlon Stone, son of Adrinol H. Stone and Susanna Gilpin, on 02 Apr 1829 in Gibson County, Indiana. He was born on 18 Sep 1800 in Bedford, Virginia. He died on 02 Jan 1863 in Gibson County, Indiana.
- GEORGE ROGERS MARVEL was born on 08 Mar 1815 in Gibson County, Indiana. He died on 16 Feb 1889 in Franklin County, Illinois. He married Sarah H McReynolds, daughter of Edward Browning McReynolds and Sarah Sally Anderson, on 13 Aug 1834 in Gibson County, Indiana. She was born on 27 Apr 1820 in Wilson County, Tennessee. She died on 29 Jul 1901 in Franklin County, Illinois.
Another family that must be recognized as part of the life of Marvel histories are the following: Leah Rogers, wife of Eli Marvel; Orpha Rogers, wife of Elisha Marvel; Lavina Rogers, wife of Prettyman Marvel; NOTE: All three Rogers were sisters.
Eli and Elisha Marvel were brothers; Prettyman Marvel was their first cousin; By marriage they were all related and their lives were all very closely interwoven so I feel it necessary to include a brief history of the Rogers’ family. (See history of Lavina Rogers Marvel).
SOURCES: l. Gibson County Indiana History. 2. The Marvel Family of England, ibid (see Roberte Marvel). 3. Cox, Carroll and Gloria, “We the People of North Central Posey County,” printed by C&E Enterprises, a division of Hope’s Hopechest, Route 1, Poseyville, Indiana 47633, p. 47 and 48.
Prettyman Marvel Sr. – His Life Story – by Mrs. Ella Armstrong Yeakel
This paper written by Mrs. Ella Armstrong Yeakel was read at the 4th annual Marvel Family reunion by Mrs. Litta Starkey Hunt. The Reunion was held at South Park, Peoria, Illinois on August 26, 1923.
Click Here for the story Prettyman-Marvel-Sr-His Life Story
Click here to view the Marvel Annual Reunions of the Prettyman Marvel family.
Elisha Marvel Sr.
Another relative, Elisha Marvel, had also moved into the Indiana settlement in 1811. Elisha Marvel Sr. was born on 28 Oct 1771 in Sussex, Delaware. He was the son of Thomas Marvel Jr. and Susannah Rodney. Elisha and Orpha Rogers were married in 1792 in Sussex County, Delaware. Orpha Rogers was the daughter of John Rogers and Comfort Prettyman and she was born on 22 Dec. 1775 in Sussex County, Delaware. She died in 1879 in Posey, Gibson County, Indiana.
Orpha and Lavina were sisters, making Elisha and Prettyman brothers-in-law and cousins. Elisha and Orpha had gone to Georgia and left there before Prettyman and his family did. They lived in Kentucky two years before the Marvel-Knowles migration to Indiana Territory. They all lived in Gibson county five years before Indiana became a state.
At first the Territory of Indiana was a wilderness. There were no mills so bread was made from cornmeal ground by hand with mortar and pestle. Indian raids and massacres were frequent before and during the War of 1812. The white settlers were often forced to flee their homes and seek refuge in the stockades. Later the Indians were finally subdued and the settlers began to expand and improve their homesteads. As more of the land was cleared it proved to be as rich and fertile as the families had hoped. The young men could keep the family larders full with all types of wild game. They all built better cabins and began enjoying a comfortable life.
Children of ELISHA MARVEL Sr. and ORPHIA ROGERS are:
- PAINTER2 MARVEL was born on 20 Oct 1793 in Sussex County, Delaware. He died on 18 Jan 1864 in Gibson County, Indiana. He married (1) Lydia Catherine Smith, daughter of James Andrew Smith and Alice Margaret Truax, on 31 Dec 1822 in Adair, Kentucky. She was born on 25 Feb 1794 in Adair, Kentucky. She died on 16 Oct 1857 in Johnson, Gibson County, Indiana. He married (2) Sarah Webster Wilkinson about 1858. She was born about 1795 in Virginia.
- ELISHA MARVEL JR. was born on 07 Feb 1795 in Green County, Georgia. He died on 14 Aug 1879 in Noble, Richland, Illinois. He married (1) Phebe Jane Duncan, daughter of Thomas Duncan and Lydia Duncan, in 1840 in Gibson County, Indiana. She was born in 1802 in South Carolina. She died on 26 Jun 1884 in Richland County, Illinois. He married (2) Polly Hawkins on 14 Nov 1823 in Gibson County, Indiana. She was born in 1805 in Tennessee.
- COMFORT MARVEL was born on 08 Oct 1795 in Sussex County, Delaware. She died on 30 May 1883 in Gibson County, Indiana. She married Daniel McDowell. He was born about 1797 in Pendleton, Anderson, South Carolina. He died in 1846 in Gibson County, Indiana.
- LAVINA MARVEL was born on 18 Feb 1798 in Green County, Georgia. She died on 08 Jun 1911 in Indiana. She married John Rockett on 22 Jul 1840. He was born in 1795 in Gibson County, Indiana.
- GEORGE MARVEL was born on 28 Oct 1803 in Green County, Georgia. He died on 04 Feb 1876 in Fairfield, Wayne County, Illinois. He married (1) Rutha Jordan, daughter of Francis Jordan and Ester Boren, on 12 Feb 1829 in Gibson County, Indiana. She was born in 1807 in Greenboro, Green, Georgia. She died in 1838 in Mount Erie, Wayne County, Illinois. He married (2) Elizabeth McGill on 09 Apr 1839 in Gibson County, Indiana. She died in 1839 in Gibson County, Indiana. He married (3) Jane ‘Jennie’ Morris, daughter of Joseph Morris and Hannah Stone, in 1841 in Illinois. She was born in Jun 1819 in Indiana. She died on 06 Apr 1901 in Illinois.
- POLLY MARVEL was born on 06 Apr 1806 in Green County, Georgia. She married Graves Mead on 09 Nov 1831 in Gibson County, Indiana. She married James Scott on 28 Dec 1826 in Gibson County, Indiana.
- WILLIAM MARVEL was born on 22 Oct 1808 in Green County, Georgia. He died in 1823 in Indiana.
- ORPHA MARVEL was born on 13 May 1811 in Gibson County, Indiana. She died in 1833 in Gibson County, Indiana. She married Benjamin Alcorn on 29 Jan 1827 in Gibson County, Indiana. He was born on 08 Dec 1803 in Madison, Kentucky. He died in 1850.
- THOMAS WHITTON MARVEL was born on 20 May 1814 in Gibson County, Indiana. He died on 23 May 1872 in Gibson County, Indiana. He married Nancy Brothers on 20 Aug 1840 in Gibson County, Indiana. She was born in 1817 in Kentucky. She died on 19 Jan 1891 in Fort Branch, Gibson County, Indiana.
- SENA ‘CENIE’ MARVEL was born on 31 Dec 1816 in Gibson County, Indiana. She died on 06 Aug 1890 in Gibson County, Indiana. She married John Martin on 20 Aug 1840 in Indiana. He was born in Dec 1818 in Indiana. He died on 17 Apr 1901 in Union Township, Gibson, Indiana.
- JOHN ROGERS MARVEL was born on 08 Jul 1819 in Gibson County, Indiana. He died on 18 Jan 1851 in Gibson County, Indiana. He married Henrietta Gidney on 10 Dec 1845 in Gibson, Indiana. She was born in 1820 in New York. She died in 1853 in Gibson County, Indiana.
- UNICE MARVEL was born on 02 Mar 1823 in Gibson County, Indiana.
Eli Marvel
Eli Marvel and his brother Elisha first appears on the Livingston county tax list in 1809. Eli was taxed for one horse and Elisha was taxed for two horses. In 1819 Eli appears again on the Livingston county tax list. Here he is taxed for five horses and 108 acres of land bounded by Crooked Creek. It seems Eli had been very successful in Kentucky.
ELI1 MARVEL was born on 25 Oct 1773 in Sussex County, Delaware. He died on 23 Oct 1833 in Livingston, Crittenden County, Kentucky. He married Leah Rogers, daughter of John Rogers and Comfort Prettyman, in 1786. She was born on 29 Jul 1763 in Sussex County, Delaware. She died on 24Sep 1834 in Livingston, Crittenden, Kentucky
Eli Marvel and Leah Rogers had the following children:
- JOHN ROGERS2 MARVEL was born on 13 Feb 1797 in Sussex, Delaware. He died on 18 Nov 1845 in Crittenden, Kentucky. He married Nancy Brantley, daughter of James Brantley and Mary Jane Harris, on 04 Sep 1838 in Kentucky. She was born on 20 Oct 1803 in South Carolina. She died on 13 Oct 1919 in Wayne City, Wayne, Illinois. He married (2) SALLY ANN LISENBY. She was born in 1805 in Tennessee. She died on 02 Dec 1835.
- ELIZABETH MARVEL was born in 1798 in Delaware. She died in 1860 in Crittenden County, Kentucky. She married John Swanson Swansey, son of John Swancey and Elizabeth Neel, on 23 Jul 1818 in Livingston, Kentucky. He was born in 1800. He died in 1846 in Crittenden County, Kentucky.
- NANCY UNICY MARVEL was born in 1800 in Georgia. She died on 14 Jun 1847 in Crittenden County, Kentucky. She married Malachi Brantley, son of James Brantley and Mary Jane Harris, on 12 Aug 1822 in Livingston, Kentucky. He was born in 1799 in Georgia. He died on 23 Oct 1841 in Livingston, Kentucky.
- SARAH MARVEL was born in 1802 in Delaware. She died in 1869 in Castor, Stoddard, Missouri. She married Abraham M Jarrell in 1821 in Livingston, Kentucky. He was born in 1797 in Livingston, Kentucky. He died in 1854 in Stoddard, Missouri.
- ORPHA MARVEL was born in 1807 in Greene County, Georgia. She died in 1850. She married Charles Lisenbee on 19 Dec 1822 in Livingston, Kentucky. He was born in 1801 in South Carolina. He died in 1850.
I am extremely impressed with your work. I am descendant through John Hugh Wilkison (3rd Ggrandfather) who Married Orpha McDowell, daughter of Daniel McDowell and Comfort Marvel, daughter of Orpha Rogers and Elisha Marvel. I found your site whilel doing a search for Sally Webster Wilkinson. She married Bailam Wilkinson (Wilkinson/Wilkison/Wilkerson) Gibson Indiana 1829. Then she and Bailam fall off the map.
May I have permission to cite your web page on my Ancestry page? If not, I understand. The published material regarding Prettyman I have seen is published so feel comfortable citing that.
Janet (McKinley-Wilkison) Roelle