New Marvel Genealogy

Marvel Genealogy

Alan Marvel’s Family Tree

My ancestors – Who were they?  Where did they come from?  Where did they go?  Were they rich or poor?  When I started this journey several years ago, I did not have the advantage of having many living members of my immediate Marvel family to whom I could ask these questions. Over the years, I have been able to fill in my family tree with more and more ancestors.

My family and I have traveled to Indiana, Ohio, Maryland and Delaware in pursuit of information and family identity. Over the years, I have visited may libraries and local historical societies in these states searching for information on my Marvel ancestors. I traveled to Salt Lake City, Utah a couple of years ago. The Internet has been a big help. I have used as well as the online resources found on . I have visited the Allen County Public Library in Fort Wayne, Indiana. There I was able to do additional research on all of my ancestor families.

I have had the assistance of so many relatives who were also seeking information on our families. I want to thank my Marvel cousins who have given me information on their individual branches of the Marvelous Marvel family. This includes several books and articles on the Marvels. I have included a lot of the information here on my website. These sources have been donated to the Genealogy Department at the Allen County Public Library. An interesting fact – the Allen County Public Library’s Genealogy Department holds the second largest collection of genealogy materials and sources in the United States.

As many find, researching your ancestors can lead you to dead ends and misinformation. I have tried to sift through the information and report only that which is fact. When I could not determine fact or fiction, I tried to give all the information I could find. On I have been able to keep everything in order and following a path to success. (no longer on the net) has given me a lot of information about the branch of the Marvel family that settled in Gibson County, Indiana as well as the descendants of John Marvell.

One interesting thing that I have found over the years, is that there were two different branches of the Marvel family in the American colonies. My branch of Marvels came from the Cambridge area of England in 1652/53 landing in Virginia. The other branch of Marvels settled in the New England colonies. This branch of Marvels from England came from other areas such as Wales. They settled in Connecticut, Massachusetts, and New York. I have read that this branch of the Marvels came over on the Mayflower. I have not found any connection to the Mayflower.

I have found over the years that the New England branch of Marvels were involved in the Revolutionary War. The war was centered in their “backyards”. I have not found that my branch of the Marvel family had participated in the Revolution. They were farmers and inn keepers located in the Virginia, Maryland, and Delaware. The Marvels became involved in the War of 1812 because the war was in ‘their backyard.’

Recently I was searching on line for information on the Marvels of Virginia. I came across this website – Encyclopedia

There I found that John Marvell was not the first Marvel to be in the colony of Virginia. This Marvel ancestor was named Robert Marvel/Maruel (old English spelling). He arrived in 1622 in the Jamestown colony. More information on this ancestor can be found by following this link – As We All Have Learned in School


My name is Alan Marvel. Let’s go on a journey!  Click on one of the links below to find out more about the Marvelous Marvel Family.

Evolution of the Name Marvel”

The Marvel Family in England according to

John Marvel Family in America

The Thomas Marvel Sr. Family Information

Marvel Families move to Georgia — The Prettyman Marvel Family of Illinois

The Marvels Families Move WestVarious Marvel Families and the Robert Marvel III Family

Marvel Family History by Robert and Muriel (Marvel) Smith and Mildred Marvel BurwellThis is a good source of information on the Marvel Family

Wills of Various Members of the Marvel Family

My Marvel Family Connections

Information and Books about Delaware and the Marvel Family

Marvel Descendant Listings and Other Families – I have moved Descendant Charts to this location


New Marvel Genealogy — 1 Comment

  1. Hey, found your site and am very impressed. Nice job. I am related to the George Marvel born in Georgia, and his wife Jane (Jennie) Morris. Their daughter Orpha Marvel married my great grandpa Harvey Henderson Shelton.