From the Baltimore American, Baltimore, Maryland dated January 30, 1904 page 2
NEGRO DISFRANCHISEMENT The Effect of Mr. Marvel’s Address – Preachers Call Mass-meeting
Wilmington, Del., January 29 – Alarmed by the clamor of “negro disfranchisement” made last night at the Democratic League by Josiah Marvel, a prominent attorney, the Rev. Montrose W. Thornton this afternoon issued a stirring appeal to negroes of Wilmington to assemble in mass-meeting, in Bethel African Methodist Church, of which he is pastor, on Sunday night, “to take a stand and, if necessary, to die for their rights, homes and families.” Rev. Thornton refers to Mr. Marvel as a “satanic spokesman” and declares that he is prompted in calling the colored residents of Wilmington together by an inspiration received from God and is willing to sacrifice his life in the cause. Many of the foremost colored residents of Wilmington atted Bethel Church, but they knew nothing of the proposed mass-meeting until Rev. Thornton issued the call late today.
Mr. Marvel’s speech at the Democratic League has set Republicans to pondering, for they realize that if the Democrats should gain the next governor and General Assembly by reason of Republican factional fights, laws would be enacted and amendments to the constitution of the state would be adopted that would deprive the negroes of the right of suffrage in the state. This caused a revival of harmony talk among many Republicans today, for the negroes undoubtedly hold the balance of power. among those who oppenly declared in favor of protecting the negro voters was District Attorney John P. Nields, a stalwart Regular Republican, who also dwelt on the necessity for harmony.
From an article that was copyrighted by NewsBank and/or American Antiquarian Society 2004