Newspaper articles about William Frank Marvel


From The Philadelphia Inquirer dated January 27, 1893 page 1


Hetrick and Marvel Reach City Hall in Custody of the Detectives

George Hetrick, of 1423 North Fifth stree, and William F. Marvel, of Wilmington, who were arrested in Jersey City on Saturday night on the charges of conspiracy and larceny of two suits of clothes, worth $50, from Jacob Reed’s Sons, were brought to this city by Detectives Geyer and Crawford last evening for trial.

Gertrude Alexander, the young girl who is implicated with the men, was given a hearing on Tuesday last and held in $2000 bail.  Captain Miller has three more charges against Marvel and the young woman, who have been living together.  Hetrick and Marvel will be arraigned before Magistrate Pole to-day.


From the Philadelphia Inquirer, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania dated October 8, 1897 page 2


Frank Marvel, alias Beaumont, who is under indictment for stealing a diamond stud from Charles M Shelldrake, of 1504 Ridge avenue, and who skipped his bail, was arrested yesterday in New York, as he walked out of the gate of the Blackwell’s Island prison, where he had served a nine month’s sentence.  He will be brought here for trial.


From the Philadelphia Inquirer dated May 21, 1904


Claims to Be a Nephew of Former Governor of Delaware

Frank Marvel, who claims to be a nephew of a former Governor of Delaware, was committed to prison by Magistrate Kochersperger yesterday on the charge of stealing a pair of trousers valued at $6 from a Market street department store.  Marvel has been arrested several times and has been out of jail only a few months.

It was testified that he visited the department store about two weeks ago under the pretense of buying some clothing, and that after he had gone the trousers were discovered missing.  Subsequently the trousers were taken to the store by another man who wanted to return them for the amount marked on the price tag.  The man was questioned and said that Marvel had sent him to the store.  Marvel’s arrest followed.


From The Philadelphia Inquirer dated May 27, 1904 page 4


Marvel Was Conviced of Larceny for the Second Time

W Frank Marvel was yesterday made to feel the effects of the provisions of the act of Assemby to the effect that in the case of old offenders the maximum penalty is to be doubled.

Marvel was convicted of larceny, the extreme punishment for which is fixed at three years, but he was sentenced to six years in the Eastern Penitentiary.  He was further made to realize his wrongdoing by having an additional eight months added to his term of imprisonment.  Two years ago, it was said , Marvel was sentenced to two years and nine months by Judge Sulzberger for larceny.  Under the commutation law, eight months were taken off for good behaviour.  This was added to his term.



From the Philadelphia Inquirer dated January 28, 1912


Handwriting Authorities to Offer Evidence on Letters Found by Woman Shot Dead

Hand writing experts will testify at the inquest into the death of Mrs. Edyth Marvel, who was found dead from a bullet through her heart at her home, 232 North Twentieth street, on Thursday morning.  Coroner Knight declared yesterday that he had decided to hold the inquest tomorrow, and despite the fact that the police feel satisfied that William Marvel, the woman’s husband, had nothing to do with his wife’s death, the experts will be called to clear away the mystery surrounding the notes found beside the body.

The police announced on Friday that they were certain that the notes were written by Mrs. Marvel, but Coroner Knight is not satisfied as to their origin.  It was also said by the police yesterday that Marvel, should he be exonerated of his wife’s death, would be rearrested and charged with selling cocaine and morphine to habitues of the Tenderloin.  Dr. Christopher Kock, head of the State Pharmaceutical Board, issued warrants for his arrest yesterday.  Letters were found by the police which indicate that the man also posed as a physician, they aver. They unearthed a large number of cards, upon which was printed “Dr. William F. Marvel.” There were also a number of medical instruments, and the detectives are making an effort to determine whether Mrs. Marvel used them in her work as a nurse.


From the Philadelphia Inquirer dated February 9, 1912 page 11


Was Rearrested on Cocaine Selling Charge

A private safety deposit box at a Market street trust company was used, the police say, by William F. Marvel for the storage of cocaine.  Marvel, who was arrested two weeks ago pending an investigation of the death of his wife, was arrested again yesterday after leaving the trust company’s building.

During a hearing at the Central police court, former District Attorney Gray, appearing for Marvel, declared that the defendant had decided to reform and in consequence of the attorney’s plea Magistrate Eisenbrown discharged Marvel.



The above information has been gathered from the NewsBank and/or American Antiquarian Society. copyright 2004