Will of Robert Marvel — Published July 17, 1817, Probated February 3, 1824
In the name of God Amen I Robert Marvel Sen of Sufsex County & State of Delare being week and infirm in body but of Perfect mind and memory and preasent thanks bee to God for his mereys to me and Cauling to mind the mortality of the Bodey and nowing that it is appointed for all men onse to die and touching my wordly Estate wherewith it has both Pleased God to blefs me with I do hear by Give and Devise in the manner and form following viz.
I give and bequeath unto Robert Barr all the lands I am Pofsest with to him and his heirs and afsigns for Ever.
I also leave my Negro man Robert to bee freed at my death and my Negro woman Mint to bee free at the same time. I leave my Negro man fisher to be heired out or sold to Som Person in the Neighborhood that will not send him out of the State untill he arrive at the age of twenty Eight years and I also Leave my Negro woman Jane and mingo the smae way and all of them to bee free from any further services for my Estate or administration forever and the moneys arising from the hire or sale of the three Negros last named is go go to the Payment of my just debts or they may bee kept by my administrator during the above term if they will Pay my Debts and no longer and all the Residue of my Personal Estate
I Leave to my wife at ther disposal and I thereby Constitute and appoint my wife and Purnel Tindal my Sole Exector Revoking and annulling all and every other will or wills heretofore by me maid and this to bee taken as my last will and testamemt and none other as witnefses by my hand this Seveteenth day of July 1817
. Robert Marvel Test, Kohn Tindal, Miles Tindal Sufsex County, Memorandum Feb 3, 1824 Before me nathan Vichars Register appointed for the probate of Wills & granting of letters of adm for said County appeared John Tindal & Miles Tindal the two subscribing witnefses to the Within and fore going Will who being sworn on the Holy Evangals of almight GJod do Severally declare and say that Robert Marvel did sign seal publish pronounce the same to be his last will and tesament & at the doing thereof he seemed to be of a Sound \mind memory and Judgement that they and Each of them and severally subscribe the same as Witnefses of said testator at his request. Nathan Tindal Regr.
Robert Marvel is believed to be the son of Robert and Rachel [Chase] Marvel, but this is based only on dates and location and his leaving his property to (nephew) Robert Barr. Robert Barr is believed to be the son of Jame and Chole [Marvel] Barr. According to other records Robert Marvel’s wife was Mary Smith. Robert Marvel signed the will, however, the signature indicated that he was either feeble or with limited writing abilities.
Will of Robert Marvel, County of Sussex, Sate of Delaware …de Valinger, Leon, Jr. Compiled. “Calendar of Sussex County Delaware Probate Records 1680-1800”. Public Archives Commission, Dover, DE 1964