The information on this page has been copied from the Remembrances Volume compiled by Robert and Muriel (Marvel) Smith in 1995/1996. Their version has been referred to as the “S” version of the Marvel history.
“This document is a compilation of information on the progeny of ‘Iohn Marvell’ who was a seventeenth century emigrant to America. One information source was a series of reports distributed at the annual reunions of 1920 through 1933. These reports were compiled into a single, 319 page, document which is referred to, in this document, as the “M” version of the Marvel history. These reports were developed by Dr. John Everett Marvel [61334121], Mrs. Ethel (Marvel) Blomberg [61334123], and Mrs. Ella (Armstrong) Yeakel [613346(10) ]. Another source was a document, 280 pages in length, that was originally distributed circa 1969. This document focused on the progeny of Prettyman Marvel, Jr. [61334] and is referred to as the “B” version. It was researched and compiled by Mrs. Mildred (Marvel) Burwell [61334(10)32]. The remaining information came from extensive files developed by Burwell and information collected by the author of this document. AIl of these source materials will be placed on file at the Vespasian Warner Public Library, Clinton, IL. This document was conpiled by Robert and Muriel (Marvel) Smith [61334(10)711] and will be referred to as the “S” version. Where infomation for this version was extracted from the earlier versions credit and page numbers are given. In the Progeny Narrations these credits are given following the name of the lineage member. A Source credit to “M230” indicates the information came from the “M” version, page 230. New information is identified with the year of distribution. A “S94″ indicates the information was taken from sources other than M and B and used in the document distributed in 1994, the original sources being in the deposited file. Other Eource codes are used where a document was used that applied to a specific branch of the family tree. The origin of this information is noted at the place of first use.”
Marvel Genealogy by Robert and Muriel (Marvel) Smith dated August 5, 1996
The above is true representation of the Marvel coat of arms according to The General Armory. The Armory states that the Marvel coat of arms is from: Marvel (Andrew Marvel, the patriotic Member of Parliamliament, temp. Charles I. and II.) Or , a chev. engr. betw. three leopards’ faces sa. Crest – Out of a ducal cornet or, a plaine of feathers ar. (It is a shield of Yellow/Gold; Chevron Shape;Engrailed partition lines: Between three leopards’ faces; Ducal Coronet on top; A plaine of feathers on top)
(From The General Armory, page 665)
This section contains the Wills of various members of the Marvel family along with the Petition for David Marvel and Orphan Court information.
The Remembrance Index is a listing of those that have been mentioned in this book
The Marvel Genealogy – Progeny Narrations –
The PDF’s below contain detailed information about the families found in the Progeny Indexes above. They give information such as birth dates, marriage dates, marriage partners, children and their information. The Smith’s also include a biographical picture for several individuals. I have found this information is very useful when completing the genealogy of several Marvelous Marvel families. Click on the links below the blocks to open the PDF to a larger screen. You can also download the PDF by clicking on the Download button for your files.