Donald Marvel was inducted into the military on February 7th, 1943 and his first day of actual service was March 6th, 1943. The date of his spearation was November 23, 1945. He was assigned to the 303rd Signal Operators. Don’s military occupation specialty was as a Radio Operator High Speed. During his early military service he became certified as a gunner in the use of a MKM Carbine. Don was eventualy sent to the European theater after basic training. While in the European theater, he was involved in the battles of Ardennes-Rhineland-and Central Europe. He attaind the grade of Techician Fifth Grade according to his discharge papers. Don Marvel was in the European theater for eleven (11) months and seven (7) days. For his service, Donald Marvel received the following medals: American Theater Medal – EAMET Campaign Medal with 3 Bronze Service Stars and the Victory Medal.
I found a few photos taken by my dad, Donald Marvel, while he was in the Army and in Europe.
Photos taken while on Furlow and at Stanford University
According to the Don Marvel’s Photo Album of his WWII memories, they left Stanford University to join the others leaving for service in Europe.
Don stated in his photo album the following:
“And so I left ASTP joined the 303rd at Fort Ord & left for Camp Shelby, our staging area. From there we went to Camp Kilmore, boarded a boat Sept. 1, 1944, arrived Cherbourg, France, Sept. 10 same year. From Cherbourg area we moved to the comparative comfort of a chateau. We left the chateau and went to Waulsort, Belgium, near Dinant, where we lived in luxury at the hotels there. From Dinant we went on detached service to Germany.”