Update as of 11/23/2018

I am in the process of updating my website and trying to make it easier to navigate through the information that I have gathered over the years.  Please be patient with the updating.

Thank you for visiting my website.

Alan Marvel

Again I have Added Items

Today I have added items to the Map section of the website concerning the Delaware Hundreds. There are maps from various Hundreds in 1868. They show land owners at the time. If you know which Hundred that your ancestors lived it at the time, try to find them on the map.

Let me know if this is of any help in your search.

In The Process

I am now in the process of updating and correcting information in The Marvelous Marvel Family.

I have just added several pages from the Marvel-Smith Family Bible that I found several years ago.to the Marvel genealogy.

Thank you for visiting my website

Welcome to my website!

Welcome!  I am glad that you are visiting.

I have been collecting genealogy information on the branches of my Family Tree for many years.  I hope that the information that you find is both interesting and informative.

I would like to dedicate these pages to my wife Ruth.  Through the years, she has spent countless hours in libraries and historical societies while I researched and gathered information on our families.  With her support and encouragement the work that you will see here could not have been accomplished.  For that I will always be grateful.

The families that I have on the branches of our tree are:
1.  The Marvel Family
2. The Hayes Family
3.  The Hardesty Family
4.  The Steininger Family
5.  The Weaver Family
6.  And other Associated Families

Enjoy!  Please comment when you visit.  Thank you again for visiting.