Sullivan County IN Archives History – Books …..Chapter IX 1884
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Book Title: History Of Greene And Sullivan Counties, Indiana
A STRONG sentiment hostile to the war had existed in the county, which feeling
continued to grow as time passed and the policy of President Lincoln was
developed. Numerous meetings were held in the county, demanding that a
compromise should yet be effected in the interests of peace, that no
interference with slavery would be tolerated and that ” the Constitution as it
is and the Union as it was ” should be the great object sought. These meetings
had much to do in discouraging enlistments, yet notwithstanding this, renewed
efforts were made early in September. David A. Briggs, Thomas M. Allen, George
W. Dailey and others were authorized to raise a company of cavalry, which they
did during the months of September and October.
The company became I of the Second Cavalry or Forty-first Regiment, and was
mustered in at Indianopolis [sic] on the 9th of December, 1861. The officers of
the company were the above named men—Briggs, Captain; Allen First Lieutenant;
and Dailey, Second Lieutenant. On the 16th of December, the regiment moved to
Louisville, and in February, 1862, moved to Nashville, thence to the
battle-field of Shiloh, at the close of the battle. April 9, it skirmished on
the Corinth road, and April 15, again at Pea Ridge, Tenn., losing a number of
men. It was active at the siege of Corinth, thence moved to Northern Alabama,
and on the 31st of May, lost a few men in a skirmish at Tuscumbia. Later it
fought at McMinnville and late in August at Gallatin, losing men. In September
it was in the Bragg campaign, skirmishing at Vinegar Hill September 22, and at
Perryville October 8th. In November a detachment recaptured [sic] a valuable
Government train, besides killing twenty of the rebels and capturing 200
prisoners, receiving the special compliments of Gen. Rosecrans. During the
winter of 1862-63, it remained at or near Nashville. On the 11th of June, 1863,
it fought at Triune, Tenn., losing none killed and wounded. In the fall, it did
duty along the Nashville & Chattenooga [sic] Railroad, and December 29 had a
sharp fight at Talbott’s Station. On the 10th of January, 1864, at Mossy Creek,
the regiment re-enlisted, and during the winter and spring participated in
numerous scouts and skirmishes, losing men. In May, 1864, it started with
Sherman’s army on the Atlanta campaign, righting at Varnell’s Station, Acworth,
Newman and Atlanta. In September, the non-veterans were mustered out, and the
veterans and recruits were consolidated into a battalion of four companies under
Maj. Hill. In January, 1865, the battalion was moved to Eastport, Ala., and
participated in Gen. Wilson’s raid, righting at Scottsville April 2, and at West
Point April 16, losing at the latter place several men, Maj. Hill losing a leg.
It was mustered out at Nashville July 22, 1865.
The personal record of Company I is as follows:
D. A. Briggs, promoted Major;
T. M. Allen, promoted Captain;
G. W. Dailey, resigned, 1864;
J. W. Canary, Sergeant, promoted First Lieutenant;
Henry Massy, killed at Huntsville, 1862;
B. F. Cavins,
Malcom McFadden,
A. Cushman,
John Thompson,
W. H. H. Bland,
Joseph Kinnaman,
W. F. Dodds;
Jonathan Hart, discharged 1868, disability;
W. I. Jackson, drowned 1863;
Ross Nealy,
Jonathan Wilson,
Joseph Berry,
Thomas Daugherty,
Andrew Spencer;
James Crow, discharged 1864, disability;
Moses Arnett (discharged March, 1863, disability),
J. H. Adkins.
William Burnett;
T. F. Bland, missing in action, 1864, mustered out 1864;
Anthony Bennett, died in Tennessee, 1862;
J. I. Boon,
J. W. Burton,
William Burks,
David Bensinger,
Abe Brocaw;
Jesse Barton, died at Camp Wickliffe, 1862;
Christian Canary,
Robert Canary,
G. F. Carter,
J. R. Clark;
Ellison Cox, died at home, 1863;
James Craig, died of wounds at Knoxville, 1864;
Robert Craig;
Richard Dillingham, died at Camp Wickliffe, 1862;
G. S. Dunlap, discharged 1862, disability;
F.M. Davidson,
G. W. Davidson;
Homer Davis, discharged 1862, disability;
Columbus Gamon,
John Hines,
J. W. Hinkle,
Marion Hindman,
Basil Hindman;
Abe Hammon,
missing in action, 1864;
Charles Hart, discharged 1862, disability;
Jesse Harben, discharged 1862, disability,
Henry Hogle; Jesse Hawkins, captured at Chickainauga, 1863;
Lemuel Johnson, Joseph Knight, discharged 1863, disability;
L. G. Kearns,
Samuel Lilly;
Addison Luster, died at Bowling Green, 1862;
John Morris, discharged 1863, disability;
James Mayfield;
S. M. Miller, captured, mustered out 1865;
William Milam; Walker Milam, mustered out 1864, sick;
Samuel McCormick, discharged 1862, disability;
A. L. Norman, died at Camp Wickliffe, 1862;
Thomas Norville, discharged 1863, disability;
George Price, died at Camp Wickliffe;
James Sherman;
J. S. Smith, discharged 1862, disability;
James Shugart, discharged 1863, disability;
A. Thompson, discharged 1863, disability;
James Trader, discharged, 1863, disability;
J. C. Taylor, died at Nashville, 1863;
Jenkins Vickery, discharged 1862, disability;
C. White,
S. Watson;
H. Wallis, discharged 1862, disability;
John Whitenac,
William Whipple;
W. P. Wortman, died at home 1862;
L. R. Wood;
August Yocum, died at Indianapolis, 1864.
In addition to these there were a few recruits.
In September and early in October, 1861, a full company was raised for the
Forty-third Regiment, which rendezvoused at Terre Haute. Samuel T. Roach,
Jackson Stepp, Josiah Stanley and others were specially active in raising the
company. The former became Captain and the latter two Lieutenants, and the
company became E of the above regiment. The Democrat gave no account of the
raising of this company. The boys were mustered in on the 9th of October, 1861,
and soon afterward the regiment moved to Spottsville, Ky., thence to Calhoun.
Late in February, 1862, it moved to Missouri and engaged in the siege of New
Madrid Island No. 10, in the reduction of Fort Pillow, and was the first Union
regiment to enter Memphis, where, with the Forty-sixth Indiana, it garrisoned
the place two weeks. It was in the Hovey expedition and that of Yazoo Pass, and
July 4, 1863, fought at Helena, repulsing three heavy attacks on a battery it
was posted to support, and capturing a rebel regiment larger than itself. It was
in the campaign on Little Rock, and in January, 1864, “veteranized” to the
number of about 400. In March, 1864, it was in Steele’s expedition, fighting at
Elkins’ Ford, Jenkins’ Ferry, Camden and Mark Mills. At the latter place (April
30), the brigade to which the regiment was attached, while guarding a train of
400 wagons, was attached by about 6,000 of Marmaduke’s Cavalry. The fighting was
close and hot, and the Forty-third lost nearly 200 men, killed, wounded and
missing. After this the regiment returned home on furlough. It then moved to
Frankfort, Ky., and afterward skirmished with Jesses’ guerrillas near Eminence.
After this, for nearly a year, the regiment did duty at Camp Morton,
Indianapolis, and was mustered out June 14, 1865. Ten or twelve of the 164 men
captured in Arkansas and confined in the rebel prison at Tyler, Tex., died.
The following is the record of Company E:
S. T. Roach, resigned June, 1863;
Jackson Stepp, resigned 1862, re-enlisted as First Lieutenant in Seventy-fifth
Josiah Stanley, resigned March, 1862;
B. D. Hays, W. H. Thompson;
Elza Walls, resigned in 1862;
W. H. Powers, resigned 1863;
W. F. Willis,
S. W. Chambers,
J. Q. Hamilton;
W. P. Mahan, discharged, disability;
James Case, died at Sullivan, 1862;
W. A. Sarvis, discharged, disability;
G. W. Herreford, discharged, disability;
John McMarts, discharged, disability;
William Wright;
William Lawrence, discharged, disability;
John W. Hill,
John E. Ryan;
Thomas Hasten, died 1863;
Benjamin Burton;
Lafayette Brasier, died 1862;
John Bennett, discharged, disability;
William Bennett, died in prison at Tyler, Tex., 1864;
W. G. Boles;
J. M. Booker, discharged, disability;
A. I. Berch;
Valentine Boon, died of wounds at Mark’s Mills, Ark.;
J. R. Carico,
Christian Creager;
S. E. Cuppy, discharged, disability;
B. Davis;
John Dodd, died 1862;
Jacob Dodd,
J. M. Duvall;
Samuel Fipps, discharged, disability;
G. W. Fox, died of wounds, at Mark’s Mills, 1864;
B. F. Fry;
John S. Gaskins, died, 1862;
T. W. Glass, discharged, disability;
William Goins,
William Gibson;
Allen Hanley, discharged, disability;
W. A. Hanley,
David Hixon,
William Hendricks,
John Kelly;
J. A. Kearns, died at Eaton, Ohio, 1865;
Daniel Kent, died in prison, at Tyler, Tex.;
Keerford Lloyd, died, at Helena, Ark.;
G. D. Lloyd,
J. S. Lloyd,
J. W. Lloyd;
James Livingston, died of wounds at Mark’s Mills;
J. H. Lynn, died at Helena, Ark.;
H. Martin,
J. A. Mason,
J. F. Mason;
W. H. Mattox, died in prison at Tyler;
John E. Melone,
John Moore,
Harrison Moore;
Charles McDonald, discharged, disability;
William McGreeve;
William McElroy, died, 1862;
J. A. McKee,
John Miles;
Alfred Nichols, discharged, disability;
Elijah Nichols, died of wounds at Mark’s Mills;
George Oaks,
G. N. Parker;
John Page, discharged, disability;
Jacob Purcell,
J. M. Robbins;
Joseph Sarvis, discharged, disability;
J. I. Smith;
D. M. Scott, discharged, disability;
Frederick Silvold, discharged, disability;
William Simpson, died at Calhoun, Ky., 1862;
G. W. Smith,
Nathan Terry,
Isaac Terry;
Jesse Toller, drowned in White River, Ark, 1862;
C. W. Toller;
Newton Williams, died at Sullivan, 1862;
J. A. Wymer,
B.A. Wymer;
R. W. Worth, discharged, disability;
and the following recruits:
Thomas Alsop,
Uriah Brocaw,
S. J. Burch,
A. G. Blunk,
W. R. Bennett,
W. H. Bennett,
James Baker,
John Beaty,
J. H. Beckett,
John Curtis,
Benjamin Curtis,
Salem Curtis,
G. D. Carter,
Noah Chambers,
John Cassady,
Robert M. Dear,
J. B. Dudley,
J. M. Dibble,
L. K. Ellis,
Jesse Engle,
J. G. Empson,
Edward Hixon,
W. A. Handley,
G. W. Halstead,
Elliott Halstead,
John Harris,
J. B. Hughes,
T. C. Jeffries,
John Keen,
H. C. Listen,
J. T. McKee,
William Maddox,
J. W. Montgomery,
William Montgomery,
Alfred Nichols,
J. E. Osborn,
J. F. Osborn,
W. H. Osborn,
Silas Osborn,
Cyrus Pierce,
Ephraim Stark,
Job Smith,
Alvin Stark,
William Spencer,
Elias Stephens,
J. M. Thompson,
Phillip Usrey,
J. A. Wright,
Eli Wymer,
Chris Wymer,
Isaac Wymer,
W. H. Woodall,
Robert Wilson,
Patrick Wilson,
W. M. Weir,
and others whose names cannot be ascertained.
In November, 1861, Henry Dooley, who had seen service in the Mexican war, and
Frank M. Akin and Ed Maxwell issued a call through the Democrat and through
widely circulated handbills for volunteers to form a company. Fragmentary
companies were raised, which united, and early in 1862 went to Gosport to join
the Fifty-ninth Regiment. Rev. P. M. Blankenship raised recruits for this
company. Recruits were raised and sent to Gosport during January and February,
and were mustered in as fast as they reported. The men from this county became
Company C of this regiment. The regimental sketch will be found in the Greene
County history. The following is the personal account of Company C:
Capt. Will Van Fossen, resigned 1864;
John S. Akin, resigned 1864;
Edward Maxwell, mustered out 1865;
E. F. O’Haver, mustered out 1865;
F. L. Maxwell, mustered out 1865;
James A. Harper, mustered out 1865;
Bedellium Dooley, died at Corinth 1862;
John Ford,
L. G. Smock,
J. W. Speake,
R. T. Smock,
Joseph Brant,
T. A. Riggs,
Virgil Davis,
John Alsop, died at Memphis 1863;
C. C. Ambrose,
Amos Bolander,
D. J. Bronson,
G. W. Booker,
Charles Bunch,
John Botts, died 1863;
A. P. Case,
Joseph Cathcart,
W. R. Channing,
James Clark,
Thomas Clark,
J. S. Clark;
J. E. Clark, died at Memphis 1863;
H. L. Cox, died at Vicksburg 1863;
William Cochran,
George Davidson,
F. Edds,
Adam Eslinger, died at Vicksburg, 1863;
Edward Eslinger,
L. S. Ford,
E. K. Gregg,
A. J. Henning,
F. M. Houck, died in Missouri 1862;
Jesse Hudson, died 1863;
J. W. Hindley, died 1862;
George Irvin,
P. K. Jenkins;
J. H Jewell, died in Missouri 1862;
G. W. Jones; Easton Johnson, died in Mississippi 1862;
William Lemon;
John Lisman, died 1864;
J. N. Land,
John Meek,
J. C. Mahan,
Samuel Patton,
H. M. Prosky;
William Reynolds, died of disease at Nashville 1864;
David Septer, died at Evansville, 1862;
A. L. Shawn,
C P. Shelburn, died at Mound City, Ill., 1863;
A. J. Toler,
John Tipton,
Christly Vester,
Jacob Vester,
J. H. Wallis,
J. M. Wilson;
J. W. Woodall, discharged 1863, disability;
J. E. Walters, died at New Albany 1862;
and the following recruits:
J. M. Allsman,
R. Ashbrook,
D. M. Bedwell,
James Boatman,
Hiram Benefiel,
Basil Carrico,
Joseph Cutwell;
Ransom Carrico, died 1864;
J. V. Davis,
Henry Davis,
J. F. Davidson,
John Eslinger,
C. F. Fisher,
J. H. Gilman,
A. J. Hawkins,
Frederick Harper,
William Isbell,
James Johnson,
William Land,
J. C. Mahan,
W. J. Pain,
W. R. Ransford,
John Snowden,
Jacob Vester.
It was during the winter of 1861-62 that Sewell Coulson and others raised the
Thirteenth Battery, Light Artillery. About twenty men were recruited in Sullivan
County, and the remainder from various points in the State. Mr. Coulson was the
first Captain of the battery, but resigned in April, 1862, and was succeeded by
B. S. Nicklin, of Wabash, who continued its commander until the close of the
war. Among the men from this county were: C. W. Merrick, John Dever, W. H Waas,
G. W. Butler, Jesse Dever, O. R. Daniels, Gilead Earl, Henry Howe, C. A. Lester,
Thomas Moore, J. A. North, Daniel Plunket, James Richey, John H. Ryland, H. C.
Shaw, John A. Wilkey, W. A. Wilkey, A. W. Dever, James P. Wilkey. The battery
went to Kentucky late in February, 1862. It participated in a sharp skirmish at
Monterey, capturing 100 prisoners; fought the forces of Gen. Morgan often;
fought gallantly two days at Munfordville, also on the advance to Louisville and
near Versailles. In December, 1862, a section of the battery at Hartsville,
Tenn., after a desperate fight, was captured, with two guns, by 1,500 rebels
under Gen. Morgan. Much of the time after this was spent at Fort Thomas, but
early in 1865 it was removed to Chattanooga. In July, 1865, it was mustered out
at Indianapolis.
During the spring and early summer of 1862, the enlistment of volunteers in
Sullivan County was almost at a standstill. Prior to April 24, about seventy
horses were purchased in the county for the army, at an average price of $75 per
head. After the battles of Shiloh and Pittsburg Landing, early in April, the
ladies of Sullivan hastily prepared a large box of bandages, lint, shirts,
muslins, flannels, fruits, preserves, etc., for the wounded in the hospitals.
Capt. Wall’s company from this county was in this battle. There was much
disloyalty displayed in the county at this time and later. It was reported
abroad that rebel flags could be seen flying in more than one place in the
county, and this reaching the ears of the editor of the Democrat, led to an
editorial. May 29, of which the following is an extract: “We can find no excuse
for a man who will run up a rebel flag while living under the protection of our
national ensign. It is an insult to the public, and a too ostentatious parade of
treasonable opinions.” Personal encounters where blood was shed began to occur.
Insults were given with bad blood, and returned with interest compounded. The
trouble was carried into several churches, to their permanent injury. It became
fashionable with one class to wear butternut breastpins, which usually excited
the active hostility of the other class. Thus much for fashion. Treasonable
secret societies began to appear, with periodical parades. Union Leagues were
organized to offset their influence. Public meetings were held, which passed
resolutions opposing a further continuance of the war. The disloyal feeling
continued to augment.
In July, 1862, Lieut. Uriah Coulson and Jacob F. Hoke issued a call for
volunteers for the Seventy-first Regiment, forming at Terre Haute. Lieut.
Silvers, S. D. Baum, Lieut. Stepp, also called for volunteers, and soon war
meetings were again held throughout the county. Handbills were circulated, and
calls were published in the Democrat It was customary to secure some, eloquent
speaker to rouse up the flagging spirits of the citizens ere the fatal
enlistment roll was passed around. Several prominent citizens at Sullivan
agreed, each to give $25 to the families of certain men if they would volunteer.
On the 19th of July, a large war meeting was held at the county seat, the
speakers being N. P. Heath, W. G. Neff and Rev. Taggart. About twenty recruits
were secured. A week later, Col. Dick Thompson spoke to a large crowd at
Sullivan, and about as many more volunteers were raised. A company was so near
full at this time that the following officers were elected: A. N. Weir, Captain;
Jackson Stepp, First Lieutenant; J. M. Davis, Second Lieutenant. Capt. Weir was
active in raising this company.
It became Company I, of the Seventy-first Regiment, and was mustered in at
Terre Haute August 18, 1862, as an infantry organization. The regiment
immediately moved to Kentucky, to assist in repelling Kirby Smith, and on the
80th of August fought at the bloody battle of Richmond, Ky., where the appalling
number of 215 men were killed and wounded, and 347 taken prisoners, 225 escaping
capture. The prisoners were paroled, and returned to Indianapolis to refit for
the service. Late in 1862, it again took the field in Kentucky. December 27, 400
of the regiment were sent to guard a valuable trestle-work at Muldraugh’s Hill,
and on the next day were attacked by 4,000 rebels under Gen. Morgan, and after
an engagement of an hour and a half were captured. They afterward returned to
Indianapolis, where they remained until the 26th of August, 1863. About this
time it was changed to a cavalry organization, and in October sent to assist at
the siege of Knoxville, in the vicinity of which many men were lost. In April,
1864, it joined the Atlanta campaign, and participated in the battles of Resaca.
Cassville, Kenesaw Mountain, the capture of Allatoona Pass, and was the first to
raise the flag over Lost Mountain. It was in Gen. Stonemans raid, and lost 166
men, killed, wounded and captured. After various other movements the regiment
(now the Sixth Cavalry), fought the rebel Forrest at Pulaski. Term., losing 23
men killed and wounded. On the 15th and 16th of December, it fought in front of
Nashville, and then pursued Hood’s army. In June, 1865, a portion was mustered
oat, and the remainder consolidated with the Fifth Cavalry, and remained on duty
in Tennessee until September 15, when it was mustered out at Murfreesboro.
The following is the personal record of Capt. Weir’s company:
Capt. A. N. Weir, promoted Assistant Surgeon and Surgeon;
Jackson Stepp, promoted Captain;
T. K. Cushman, promoted First Lieutenant;
J. M. Davis, resigned 1862;
T. H. Collier,
J. S. Springer,
M. V. Shepherd,
S. T. Bryant,
G. R. Grant,
Preston McDonald,
J. R. Dilley;
John Douglas, killed at Richmond, Ky.;
G. B. Burton,
Maynard Bell,
T. E. Arnett;
Richard Adams, discharged 1863, wounded;
J. H. Bailey;
M. M. Bailey, died 1862, of wounds;
J. M. Bales;
Harrison Burton, killed at Tazewell, 1864;
Richard Burton,
Floyd Burton,
Edmund Bales,
William Botimer,
J. H. Colscott,
J. E. Chestnut;
W. R. Chase, died in prison at Florence, S. C., 1864;
J. N. Davis,
Richard Davis,
Alexander Dehart, J. H. Daniel,
William Delapp;
F. C. Daniel, discharged 1863, wounded;
J. C. Daniel;
William Douglas, died at Madison, Ind., 1864;
A. J. Douglas,
Daniel Debaun;
Richard Dehart, died at Indianapolis, 1863;
Moses Evans,
Daniel Evans,
L. S. Ford;
W. M. Griffin, died at Andersonville Prison, 1865;
Jasper Huff;
F. M. Hay worth, died at Indianapolis, 1863;
William Holland, discharged 1863, wounded;
J. E. Huston,
H. J. Hardin,
C. S. Hammond;
R. C. Jewell, discharged 1862, wounded;
Elijah Jewell, died at Richmond. Va., 1864;
Barnett Jewell,
Benson Jewell;
Caleb Jennings, died at Andersonville Prison, 1864;
James R. Lowe,
J. E. Milam:
James Mullen, died at Andersonville Prison, 1864;
M. T. McCarty,
L N. McCrosky,
W. H. Napper, died at Andersonville Prison, 1864;
Rolland Owens,
Ephraim Owens.
O. N. Phillips,
H. D. Pittman,
Thomas Rose,
Jasper Ritter;
J. H. Ritter, discharged 1862, wounded;
D. H. Wright;
S. L. Wright, died in Andersonville Prison, 1864;
John Sullivan;
E. R. Squires, died at Terre Haute, 1862;
Simon Sullivan,
W. A. Sarris,
Joseph Sarris;
W. F. Swisher, discharged 1862, wounded;
Joseph Starkey, died in Andersonville Prison, 1864;
G. W. Starkey;
J. B. Tague, died at Somerset, Ky., 1864;
Miles Thairwell,
Lafayette Thompson,
John Whitman;
E. M. Wilson, died at Cumberland Gap, 1864;
Alexander Mills, died at Indianapolis, 1863;
Charles Wells, killed at Richmond, Ky., 1862;
James Wilkie,
W. M. Warner.
Moses Whitman,
Williamson Whitman,
Jeptha Whitman,
S. L. Yeager;
and the following recruits:
Levi Bailey,
J. R. Bailey;
H. M. Bastian, died in Belle Isle Prison, 1864:
E. D. Bolenbaugh,
John Burton,
V. Boles
M. E. Boles,
J. W. Burnett,
M. V. Decamp,
J. M. Davis;
Jacob Evans, died in Andersonville Prison, 1864;
W. A. Houpt,
John Hammond,
J. E. Hutson,
H. J. Hardin,
C. S. Hammond,
S. E. Lane;
G. W. McCrocklin, discharged 1862, disability;
Peter Moore, died in Andersonville Prison, 1864;
L. B. McKee, died in Andersonville Prison, 1861;
H. R. Pugh,
I. M. Phillips,
Abraham Russell,
Daniel Vail,
J. T. Weaver.
Where no remarks are made above, the men were usually mustered out.
About the 1st of August, 1862, the threat of drafting was circulated, which
had the effect to hurry on the enlistment to fill the county quota. Coulson,
Hoke and Lucas continued to recruit their company, and were assisted by W. T.
Crawford and others. About the middle of August, these fragments united and
organized by electing W. T. Crawford, Captain; F. M. Lucas, First Lieutenant; C.
W. Finney, Second Lieutenant; J. F. Hoke, Orderly Sergeant At this time, the
company numbered ninety-four men, and was mustered into the Eighty-fifth
Regiment as Company H, with the above officers, at Terre Haute, and early in
September, moved to Kentucky, occupying various points until February, 1868;
then moved to Louisville, thence to Nashville, thence to Franklin, and in March
marched against Gen. Forrest. At Thompson’s Station, a superior force of rebels
was encountered, and after a severe battle of about six hours the regiment and
its brigade were captured. The regiment fought gallantly, changing front three
times under a galling fire. After capture and after numerous fatal privations,
the regiment was consigned to Libby Prison, Richmond. On the 31st of March, they
were released with a loss of several men, and in June took the field again in
Tennessee, where it was soon engaged in skirmishing with Bragg’s forces. During
the following fall and winter, it guarded railroads near Nashville and
Chattanooga. In April, 1864, it started on the Atlanta campaign. It fought at
Resaca, Cassville, Dallas Woods, Golgotha Church, Culp’s Farm and Peach Tree
Creek. At the latter place the Eighty-fifth did fearful execution, strewing the
ground in front with rebel dead. Fifty-three were found in one place. The
regiment also fought at Atlanta and then moved with Sherman to the sea, and then
in the campaign of the Carolinas, fighting desperately and with severe loss at
Averysboro, N. C., in March, 1865. It did good service at Bentonville and at
Goldsboro, and upon the surrender of Johnston’s army moved to Richmond, Va.,
thence to Washington, D. C, where it was mustered out June 12, 1865. From May
18, 1864, to the date of discharge, the regiment lost 147 men killed and wounded.
The following is the record of Company H:
Captain, W. T. Crawford, promoted Major;
Milton Tichenor, Sergeant, Second Lieutenant, First Lieutenant, Captain;
F. M. Lucas, resigned December, 1862;
C. W. Finney, promoted First Lieutenant;
J. F. Hoke, First Sergeant, Second Lieutenant, First Lieutenant;
L. C. Risley, Sergeant, Second Lieutenant;
Richard Hardesty, Sergeant, Second Lieutenant;
H. L. Sherwood,
A. B. Stansil,
Isaiah Hoggatt;
R. H. Pratt, died in Indiana, 1865;
J. W. Sullivan,
G. W. Larr;
W. M. Collins, died at Nashville, 1863;
A. S. McCray,
W. C. Wolfinbarger,
H. C. Potts,
S. W. Asberry,
T. G. Crawford,
Josephus Anderson;
R. D. Black, died in Kentucky, 1862;
M. Cummings, died of wounds, 1864;
Hiram Case, died at Chattanooga, 1864;
G. W. Case;
William Campbell, died at Lookout Mountain, 1864;
C. D. Cochran,
Thomas Doty,
J. M. Donaldson,
G. A. Exline;
Milton Ford, died at Danville, 1862;
W. T. Godwin,
John Godwin,
F. A. Godwin;
J. P. Gilson, died in Kentucky, 1863:
Pierce Garby;
Joseph Hanger, died in Kentucky, 1863;
Jacob Hanger,
J. A. Hays;
G. W. Harmon, died in Tennessee, 1863;
Harrison Jewell, died at Camp Dennison, Ohio, 1862;
William Lamb,
Richard Meek;
J. M. Maglone, died in Kentucky, 1863;
W. O. Nesbit;
John Purcell, died at Richmond, Va., 1863;
Samuel Romine,
Jonathan Still,
S. C. Smock,
A. J. Stewart,
Daniel Saucerman,
Barnet Saucerman;
Levi Sanders, died in Maryland, 1863;
T. M. Swift,
J. W. Toler,
Jesse Talbert,
V. T. Vest,
L. D. S. Wilson,
S. A. White.
John Wright,
Edward Young,
W. H. Lyons,
T. A. Lyons;
and the following recruits:
A. P. Asbury,
S. M. Bennett,
M. A. Bailey,
C. C. Barnhart,
W. J. F. Barcus,
Jacob Craig.
G. T.Duckworth;
J. M. Doty, died at Nashville, 1864;
J. T. Halberstadt,
Elzo Halberstadt,
S. J. Henning,
Daniel Hammock,
R. A. Lyons,
W. H. Manwaring,
C. J. McAnally,
John McAnally,
T. J. Mahan,
J. R. Mahan,
Peter H. McDonald,
Marion Pumphreys,
R. K. Swift,
J. T. Spencer,
James Shanks,
Jacob Taylor,
James Young,
Henry Young.
Early in August, 1862, about a dozen men were raised for Company K of the
Eightieth Regiment. At this time, also, Sergt. John Ford, of Company C, of the
Fifty-ninth Regiment, raised a few recruits in the county. The Democrat of
August 14, said: “Recruiting is going on very lively in Sullivan just now.” It
was stated in the paper that B. Ogle, who had just called for a company of
volunteers, had seventy men by the middle of August. On the 13th of August,
1862, an enormous mass meeting of Democrats was held in the grove north of
Sullivan, on which occasion Voorhees and McDonald spoke to an audience of not
less than 5,000. People had come from far and near the day before, and had
camped out over night near the depot to be in readiness for the great day. W. G.
Neff was President of the meeting. An important feature was a gay cavalcade of
young ladies and gentlemen on horseback, in couples, each township but one being
represented, the parade being nearly a mile in length. It was one of the
grandest days of the war for the local Democracy.
In the month of August, almost a full company was raised for the
Ninety-seventh Regiment, which rendezvoused at Terre Haute. James Holdson became
Captain; A. P. Forsyth, First Lieutenant: Josiah Stanley, Second Lieutenant. The
company became I of the regiment. The regimental sketch will be found in the
Greene County history. The following is the personal account of Company I:
Capt. Holdson, promoted Major;
A. P. Forsyth, resigned 1864;
Josiah Stanley, Second Lieutenant, First Lieutenant, Captain;
N. H Hinkle, First Sergeant, Second Lieutenant, First Lieutenant;
J. M. Osborn, Sergeant, Second Lieutenant;
J. M. Mathis,
H. M. Hughes,
I. J. Howard;
M. Ridgeway, died in Tennessee, 1863;
B. P. Akers,
J. E. Bedwell;
T. H. Bedwell, killed at Atlanta, 1864;
T. B. Bedwell,
H. L. Booker;
J. M. Bedwell, died in Tennessee, 1863;
T. W. Bedwell,
S. J. Barcus;
T. J. Blalock, killed at Atlanta, 1864;
M. H. Bland,
Columbus Borders,
Daniel Case;
J. W. Crawford, died at Indianapolis, 1864;
John Dever,
W. B. French;
B. V. Fegg, died on hospital boat, 1863;
G. W. Holdson,
J. M. Holdson,
W. P. Hail;
John Johnson, discharged, wounded, 1865;
N. P. Kenerly, died at Louisville, 1863;
George Mayfield,
James Mayfield;
William Mayfield, died at Memphis, 1862;
B. S. Montgomery,
N. D. Miles,
Otho Morris;
J. A. McGarvey, died in Tennessee, 1863;
Jacob Need;
John Need, died in Mississippi 1863;
Uriah Need;
W. H. Nelson, died in Missouri, 1863;
M. Payne,
J. A. Payne;
Elam Padget, died at home, 1863;
F. W. Rusher,
J. L. P. Rusher,
Simeon Reynolds,
W. A. Skinner,
James Shanks,
W. R. Watson,
E. H. Wright,
and others.
To be in readiness for the draft should one be necessary, William Wilson was
appointed Draft Commissioner, W. D. Moore, Provost Marshal, and John M. Hinkle,
Surgeon. Mr. Wilson appointed the following Deputies: Fletcher Freeman for Cass;
Lafayette Stewart, Hamilton; Mr. Watson, Jefferson; J. Davis, Haddon; J. W.
Reed, Fairbanks; Robert Carrithers, Turman; G. H. O’Boyle, Gill; James T.
Spencer, Curry; W. N. Patton, Jackson. Late in August, ex-Gov. Wright delivered
a strong Union speech in Sullivan, which had a good effect. On the 1st of
September, a crowd of about one thousand men, was in Sullivan, on the occasion
of the exemption of the draft. It was the most disgraceful day ever witnessed at
the county seat. Scores were drunk and numerous fights and riots occurred,
despite the efforts of the town authorities. Mr. Moore declined to serve as
Provost Marshal of the county, and was succeeded by Lafayette Stewart. In
September, the following tabular statement of the military condition of the
county was published in the Democrat:
[Column headings:
A – Total Militia
B – Total Volunteers
C – Volunteer in the Service
D – Exempt
E – Subject to Draft]
Hamilton 463 258 250 97 368
Haddon 374 182 146 49 226
Gill 275 148 35 38 110
Turman 254 117 102 45 106
Fairbanks 178 73 114 48 206
Curry 226 113 73 40 138
Jackson 151 103 62 54 1144
Cass 148 42 172 88 286
Jefferson 198 62 113 47 179
Totals 2267 1098 1067 506 1763
The county continued to exert herself to furnish her quotas. A Democratic
basket picnic was held on the farm of James B. Mann, Voorhees being present and
speaking to 2,000 people. On the 6th of October, the draft came on, and passed
without much excitement, four being drafted in Cass Township and two in
Jefferson, all the other townships having furnished their quotas. F. Basler,
blindfolded, drew the ballots from the box.
During the winter of 1862-63, scarcely any effort was made in the county to
raise men for the war. The time passed without noteworthy events, except a
growing hostility to the continuance of the war, and an organization of bands of
burglars, horse-thieves, robbers and thugs. The worst element residing in the
county joined these bands, and crime became common. Numbers of deserters sought
the remote portions of the county, and were arrested from time to time by squads
of soldiers. In March, 1862, Lieut. Stepp and a squad of a dozen soldiers
arrested two deserters in Cass Township, and early in April five or six more
were arrested, the most of whom were not really deserters, as they had simply
failed to get their discharge papers. In June, two soldiers, who tried to arrest
a deserter in Cass Township, were prevented by his friends armed with guns. This
act, and the report that there were eight or ten deserters in that township,
caused the authorities at Terre Haute to send about half a company of soldiers
under a Lieutenant to search the township. This was done, and on the way there
the soldiers impressed a horse for a sick comrade and did other similar acts,
which angered the opposing elements, whereupon several hundred men assembled,
armed, to oppose their progress. The soldiers, acting under orders, when they
saw that a collision was likely to occur, relinquished borrowed property, and
returned to Terre Haute.
In June, and both before and after, numerous affrays occurred, caused by the
wearing and snatching off of butternut breast-pins. In this month, also, the
enrollment of the county militia was begun. Nearly all of the enrolling officers
received letters threatening their lives, and met with bitter opposition in the
discharge of their duties. Mr. Garvin, one of the enrolling officers, was
threatened by the snapping of a gun-cap. On the 18th of June, Fletcher Freeman,
the enrolling officer of Cass Township, while on his way to work the road, was
shot by a concealed assassin and instantly killed. He had previously received a
threatening letter, but like a brave man as he was, paid no attention to it.
This wanton murder is yet said to have been the work of the Sons of Liberty,who
planned the crime and carried it into execution. The funeral procession of Mr.
Freeman was the largest ever in Sullivan up to that time. The crime was
denounced by all parties. So great was the hostility to the negro, that, in
July, when a colored man attempted an outrage on the person of a white girl in
the county, all resident colored familes, of which there were many, were
notified to leave the county forthwith. Numerous acts similar to the above might
be chronicled.
Early in July, 1863, a companoy of six months’ men was raised in the county
by Uriah Coulson, R. R. Cluggage and others, and on the 10th the officers were
elected as follows: R. R. Cluggage, Captain; Z. H. Peter, First Lieutenant;
David McKinney, Second Lieutenant. The company became F of the One Hundred and
Fifteenth Regiment, and was mustered in at Indianapolis on the 29th of July, and
early in September moved to Kentucky. The sketch of this regiment will be found
in the Greene County History. The following is the personal record of Company F:
Capt. R. R. Cluggage, mustered out, term expired;
Z. H. Peter, First Lieutenant, resigned October, 1863;
H. S. Boulds,
T. A. Riggs,
John McConnell,
B. F. Stark,
C. S. Asbury,
C. T. O’Haver,
M. S. Woolen,
B. F. Hunter,
William Thompson,
Lafayette Thompson,
Jacob Whitman,
James Weir,
W. J. Wilks,
George Asbury,
Preston Ambrose,
G. S. Ammerman,
E. K. Asbury,
S. B. Brewer,
G. B. Burton,
Thomas Blankingbokes (died in Kentucky, 1863),
Marion Burton,
William Broodherd,
J. R. Brooks,
Peter Boulds,
James Baker,
Richard Cochran,
George Clark,
F. M. Case,
John Collier,
S. T. Clark,
Nathaniel Carter,
John Dawson,
J. R. Dunlap,
R. M. Dear,
L. F. Daniels,
Henry Dille,
R. G. Eaton,
Ludwick Ernest (died near Cumberland Ford, 1863),
Oscar Esterbrook,
G. D. Furree,
John Flarety,
Samuel Gaskin,
George Gustin,
Hubbard Graff,
Monroe Glick,
Henry Hill,
Barton Hays,
W. M. Heck,
J. B. Hesselback,
H. P. Hill,
J. H. Hick,
B. Hutson,
R. M. Huff,
T. S. Houpt,
William Harper,
Shelby Hollingsworth,
Oscar Harrom,
G. H. Johnson,
William Johnson,
Presley Johnson (died at Knoxville, 1863),
J. S. Johns,
Levi Johnson;
Daniel Kester,
G. W. Kerns,
J. J. Miller,
F. M. Miller,
B. Mattox,
Joseph Milam,
Edward Mason,
William Mason,
J. A. Mason,
C. McDaniel.
Alva Marts,
J. C. McKinney,
G. W. McKinney,
Leander Neff,
J. H. Nelson,
J. M. Nichols,
A. E. Neal,
William Oakes,
J. E. Osborn,
B. F. Owen,
J. T. Patton,
Henry Parrigo,
J. L. Phillips,
Thomas Phipps,
Wesley Randolph,
Peyton Ritchie,
David Rushworth,
Andrew Rhodes,
George Reamer,
Joseph Reagan,
J. P. Snyder,
W. N. Siner,
Benjamin Staggs,
E. Stark,
John Tidd,
E. Thompson,
J. W. Turner,
William Vanpelt,
Chales Williams,
John Wells.
On the 6th of August, the Democracy held a large mass meeting at Sullivan,
and adopted a long series of resolutions, asserting the belief that the
Conscription Act was unconstitutional, and should be tested in the courts before
being enforced, and asserting the belief, also, that the Conscription Act, aside
from the question of validity, was unjust to the poor as favoring the rich, who
could procure substitutes. Over 5,000 people were present, who listened to
Voorhees, B. W. Hanna, Col. Cookerly and Andy Humphreys.
In July and August, 1863, a company of home guards, called the Graysville
Guards, was organized under R. H. Crowder, Captain; Addison McKee, First
Lieutenant; Sherrod Burton, Second Lieutenant. A little later, another company
was organized, under .J. A. Walls, Captain; Stewart Barnes, First Lieutenant; S.
B. Taggart, Second Lieutenant; and still a little later (September) another
company was organized at Merom, under B. F. Stover, Captain; T. B. Springer,
First Lieutenant; N. G. Buff, Second Lieutenant In September, another was
organized at Carlisle, under David Edmiston, Captain; William Grigg, First
Lieutenant; Samuel McCormick, Second Lieutenant. These companies were mustered
in as part of the Indiana Legion, and one company at least (the Graysville
Guards) was supplied by the State with arms. The legion was organized as a means
of home defense, and to prepare companies for the field. The Graysville company
lost two or three of its muskets in September, by theft, and endeavered to
arrest the guilty parties, which led to an encounter where several shots were
fired without securing the muskets or doing any harm. Early one morning, a squad
of soldiers from Terre Haute entered Curry and Fairbanks Townships, and arrested
two or three deserters. Numerous incendiary fires of grain, hay, barns and
residences occurred during the fall months—usually the property of strong Union
men. Numerous refugees from the South, doubtless deserters from the rebel army,
over-ran the county, and criminals, bold, cunning and desperate, practiced their
unlawful depredations under the drowsy eye of the law. Stores, barns, dwellings
and persons were robbed, often in open day. It was indeed a reign of terror
In November and December, 1863, calls were issued for volunteers to clear the
county quota under the new requisition. Lieut. Mason, of Company D, of the
Thirty-first Regiment, with office with Sewell Coulson, called for about thirty
recruits for his company. Lieut. Maxwell, of the Fifty-ninth Regiment, also
called for recruits. In January, 1864, he took to Indianapolis, from Cass
Township, eight or ten deserters, who, by promises of freedom from punishment,
were induced to return to their respective commands. Capt. W. T. Crawford
recruited a squad of men for the Eighty-fifth Regiment. Several prominent men in
the southwest part of the county were arrested about this time for harboring a
deserter, the arrest causing considerable commotion. By December, 1863, the
county quota had been reduced by volunteers to about seventy-five men. War
meetings were held at various places to raise men, and the dreaded draft was
threatened. During the winter of 1863 and 1864, about thirty-five recruits were
sent to the Eighty-fifth Regiment, and under the heavy calls of the early part
of 1864, about twenty-five recruits were sent to the Twenty-first; about
twenty-five to the Thirty-first; about fifteen to the Fifty-ninth; about eight
to the One Hundred and Twentieth; three to the Thirteenth Battery, and a few
others to other regiments.
Late in 1863, a company was raised for the war from the County Legion, and
became G of the Eleventh Cavalry (One Hundred and Twenty-sixth Regiment). About
the 1st of May, 1864, the regiment left Indianapolis, moved to Nashville, thence
early in June to Northern Alabama, where it guarded railroads, stores, etc., and
in October returned to Nashville, where it was mounted. It was then engaged in
and around Nashville, and later joined in the pursuit of Hood, going to Gravelly
Springs, where it was dismounted and placed on provost duty. It occupied various
positions in this capacity, but in May, 1865, was transferred to St. Louis, Mo.,
where it was remounted, and then marched to Rolla, thence to Fort Riley, Kan.,
early in July. It occupied other points until September, and was then
transferred to Fort Leavenworth, where on the 19th of September it was mustered
The following is the personal record:
Capt. R. H. Crowder, promoted Assistant Surgeon and Surgeon;
John C. Briggs, Quartermaster;
Addison McKee, resigned January, 1865;
T. B. Springer, Second Lieutenant, First Lieutenant;
B. H. Jewell, Commissary Sergeant, Second Lieutenant, First Lieutenant; R. A.
Weir, Sergeant, Second Lieutenant, First Lieutenant;
A. W. McIntire, Sergeant, Second Lieutenant;
S. B. Cummins,
James Parks,
W. F. Knotts;
B. S. Miles, died in Alabama, 1864;
M. V. Boicourt;
L. D. Day, died in rebel prison;
W. B. Daniel;
B. R. Houck, died of wounds, 1864;
J. S. McKee,
J. W. Atkinson,
E. Arnett,
Alexander Berrack,
J. R. Banks;
B. F. Bennett, died in rebel prison;
W. R. Blalock;
P. P. Borders, died in rebel prison;
William Cunningham;
J. M. Cunningham, died at Indianapolis, 1864;
Orville Collins;
John Clark, died in Indiana, 1865;
Thomas Clark;
T. T. Comaree, died of wounds, 1864,
Abner Coffman,
Riley Combast,
E. W. Collis,
John Dodd;
D. D. Dehart, died in Alabama, 1864;
Archy Eaton,
Daniel Evans,
J. J. Feitchner;
A. G. Gray, died at Carlisle, 1864;
J. A. Graham,
Hopkins Giles,
James Hunt,
B. W. Houck, died in Mississippi, 1865;
J. A. Handley,
Charles Hart,
J. F. Houck,
T. W. D. Hutchinson;
E. W. Hannen, died at Jeffersonville, 1865;
Henry Hines;
John Hamilton, died at Jeffersonville, 1865;
L. S. Knotts,
A. Kaufman,
Joseph Lewis,
John Little,
A. J. McKee,
T. A. Mason;
Isaac Meloy, died in Andersonville Prison, 1865;
Edmund Moore,
J. E. Melone,
W. F. Parsons,
G. W. Street;
J. M. Smith, died in Louisville, 1864;
J. A. Starks,
J. R. Watson,
J. T. Watson,
John Wilkins;
David Wilkins, died in rebel prison;
J. B. Willis,
Levi Willis,
George Wiley,
C. W. Webb,
Alfred Williams,
J. W. York, died at Gravelly Springs, Ala., 1865:
S. V. Brewer;
J. M. Weir, the last two being recruits of the fall of 1864.
In the spring of 1864, the veterans of the Seventeenth, Thirty-first and
Fifty-ninth Regiments came home on veteran furlough, and were received at
several places in the county with the pomp and circumstance of glorious war. The
friends of the war could not do too much for the boys, who were honored with
dinners and dances, toasts and parties. They were feted and praised and stuffed
like anacondas with delicacies until their dreams were disturbed with the red
havoc of war. As the day appeared for their departure, the citizens of Carlisle
tendered the boys in that vicinity a sumptuous farewell dinner, and good advice
was given them in public addresses by Dr. Helms, Col. Alexander and Capt. Van
Fossen. They left early in March.
In May, 1864, nearly half a company was raised in the county for the one
hundred days’ service by N. G. Buff, who became Captain, and J. D. Parvin, who
became Second Lieutenant. The remainder of the company was from Knox and Martin
Counties, and the First Lieutenant was W. B. Mattingly, of Loogootee. The men
were mustered in as Company G, of the One Hundred and Thirty-seventh Regiment,
on the 26th of May. The following were the Sullivan County men: Captain,
Nathaniel G. Buff; Second Lieutenant, James D. Parvin; C. C. Arnett, William
Berry, G. W. Buff, M. W. Beardshear, J. H. Burnett, Vigil Burnett. Green
Bicknell, S. H. Coats, J. W. Casto, Thomas Cushman, Henry Conrad, Albert Dunlap,
David Davis, Gerard Emerson, Charles Hammond, H. F. Harper, Josiah Harris, B. S.
Hays, Levi Johnson, J. S. Jennings, Jonathan Knotts, J. P. Milam, John McIntire,
J. C. McReynolds, Allen McKusey, J. D. Powers, G. H. Pharr, J. M. Pogue, William
Sinex, D. M. Shoemaker, H. H. Shidler, Lafayette Thompson, Uriah Vanpelt, died
of disease at Tullahoma, Tenn., in August, 1864; J. H. Weir, M. S. Wilkinson.
During the summer and fall of 1864, crime again ran riot over the county.
Many horses were stolen and many houses burst open and robbed of money and other
valuables. In June, the Paymaster’s train on the E. & T. H. Railroad was thrown
from the track a short distance south of Sullivan in broad daylight, and robbed
of $300. In July, a squad of soldiers and a number of young men in Fairbanks
Township got into an altercation at a picnic, when one of the latter was killed
by one of the former. A large organized gang of law-breakers connected with
similar bands in other counties overran the county, and a detective from abroad
joined them to learn of their haunts and methods, and to break them up. Finally,
in September a descent was made upon them and twelve or fifteen were arrested at
one time, though in different places, when lo! it was found that among the
number were several well-known residents of the county. Others were arrested
afterward, and all were confined in the county jail, but in November broke out,
or as many suppose, were let out and escaped. During the autumn, on several
occasions, squads of soldiers entered the county, often in the night, and
arrested citizens charged with the offense of harboring conscripts. This created
much excitement, and in some cases the soldiers were forcibly opposed, but they
usually succeeded in carrying their orders into effect.
During the political campaign of the year, the most intense enthusiasm
prevailed. Enormous mass-meetings were held especially by the Democracy, and
among their speakers were Voorhees, Cookerly, Mack, Smith, Humphreys, Hanna,
Caulfield et al. Gov. Joe Wright spoke at Republican meetings. The campaign was
very bitter and left a lasting impression. All political and war matters became
quieter when the elections were over, and when it was found that the course of
the administration of Mr. Lincoln and of Gov. Morton was endorsed by augmented
majorities, in all the Northern States. In the early part of December, 1864, two
companies of United troops under Capt. O’Neill and one company of Monroe County
Home Guards came to the county, but when it was found they were well received by
all parties, which was contrary to expectation, one company of United States
troops and the company of Home Guards returned whence they came, leaving the
other company of United States troops encamped in the court house and court
yard. The company was present to arrest deserters in the county, to see that
drafted men reported, to see that the excise laws were observed, and to keep
order generally. On Christmas Day the soldiers were given a fine dinner by the
citizens of the county seat and vicinity, including those who had been the
bitterest in opposing the continuance of the war. Turkey, chicken, puddings,
pies, delicious cake, luscious custard, ravishing jams and jellies, etc., etc.,
without limit in cost or quantity, were spread before the men of war, by those,
in some cases, who a few weeks before had denounced them.
In December, another raid was made on the haunts of criminals, one place
being Phelps’ Ferry on the Wabash, where thirteen of the outlaws were secreted,
all of whom were captured. One who fired and severely wounded a soldier was in
turn shot and mortally wounded. Since the lamented death of Fletcher Freeman,
efforts had been made to discover the murderer, and arrests were made from time
to time on suspicion, without being able to fix the guilt on any one. On the
29th of December, the company of soldiers occupying the court house returned to
Terre Haute.
In July, 1864, Lieut. Col. Neff, of the Thirty-first Regiment, who had been
killed in battle near Atlanta, was buried at Sullivan with military honors, by a
squad of soldiers under Capt. Walls. No attempt to hold a celebration at
Sullivan of the 4th of July was made, but a pleasant picnic south of town was
enjoyed. Under the heavy calls of the spring and summer of 1864, the county made
sorry progress in enlisting volunteers. The call in July for 500,000 men
staggered the county, and the indications were that the requisition would not be
honored with volunteers. The Democrat said, referring to the call in the
district: “We have no idea it will be honored.” So the indications were that a
heavy draft would be the consequence. During the months of August and September,
only a conparatively few volunteers left the county. Early in October, the draft
took place at Terre Haute with the following result: Fairbanks, 32; Turman, 37;
Jackson, 31; Cass, 20; Jefferson, 36; Gill, 32. The result in the other
townships cannot be given. It is said that Hamilton furnished her quota. A few
days before this draft, when it was certain it would occur, many volunteered to
secure the bounty of $600, and even after the draft many conscripts enlisted, as
that privilege was extended to them. Immediately after this draft, a petition
was circulated and largely signed, asking the County Board to appropriate from
the county treasury a bounty for drafted men, whereupon the Commissioners
ordered an election held throughout the county to decide the matter, with the
following result: Jackson, 53 for, 126 against; Curry, 204 for, 43 against;
Fairbanks, 178 for, 5 against; Turman, 147 for, 75 against; Hamilton, 190 for,
263 against; Cass, 7 for, 119 against; Jefferson, 17 for, 199 against; Haddon,
213 for, 147 against; Gill, 213 for, 77 against; total, 1,222 for and 1,045
against. Accordingly the County Board ordered at first $75,000 worth of county
bonds sold, afterward increased to $83,400, being $300 for each man necessary to
clear the county quota. Besides this, heavy local bounties were offered. In
December, a heavy supplemental draft was held to supply the deficiency caused by
the non-appearance of numbers of drafted men. Six were drafted in Cass, 13 in
Jefferson, 19 in Gill, 17 in Jackson, 22 in Curry and 17 in Turman. The other
townships had furnished their quotas, either of drafted, volunteers or
substitutes. Eight men joined the Twelfth Regiment; 6 the Eleventh; 4 the Ninth;
9 the Thirteenth; 6 the Sixteenth; 14 the Seventeenth; 50 the Twenty-first; 6
the Twenty-ninth; 30 the Forty-third; 40 the Fifty-seventh; 15 the Fifty-ninth;
and a few others joined other regiments. These men were mustered in in December
1864, under the call of July.
The call of December, 1864, for 300,000 men roused the county again, though
it was found difficult to secure volunteers, yet easier than under the July
call, as the elections had practically pledged the country to crush the
rebellion; and those disposed to be disloyal saw it was wiser to enlist, as it
began to be discerned through the gloom that the North would be triumphant. Late
in December, a large meeting was held at the court house, to devise means to
clear the quotas. Other meetings were held in nearly all the townships to raise
local bounties, and here and there “substitute clubs ” were formed, each member
of which was assessed a certain amount, to be used in procuring substitutes for
such members of the clubs as should be drafted. Hamilton Township at first
offered a bounty of $300, but afterward increased it to $350, to equal that
offered in Haddon and other townships. By the 25th of January, 1865, Hamilton
Township, under the December call, had raised twenty-six men, and by the 1st of
February had forty-two men. Gill Township paid at first $300 bounty, but
afterward raised it. On the 1st of February, the following number of men was due
from each township: Haddon, 45; Gill, 18; Turman, 32; Curry, 17; Fairbanks, 23;
Cass, 10; Jefferson, 37; Jackson, 6; and Hamilton had a surplus of 12. Prior to
February 23, 1865, Fairbanks had paid $7,000 for township bounty. In April,
another draft occurred, ten in Curry, six in Jackson, the others not being
published. The men raised in January and February were mustered into the One
Hundred and Forty-ninth Regiment. Those raised after that, including the drafted
of April, 1865, were not mustered, as the war ended, and the enlistments were
abandoned about the 14th of April.
The following men were in Company A: Buel Booker, Milton Coulton, Leroy
Hanley, M. Hamilton, Squire Headly, John Headly, Thomas Headly, Fleming Jones,
Robert Linder, William Nelson, N. Powell, S. R. Ridge, Wilson Ross, James
Stewart, D. D. Titrick; and the following in Company D: T. A. Hughes, W. O.
Pinkston, Jesse Pinkston, E. S. Wharton; and the following in Company E: Aaron
Brewer, T. W. Bell, J. M. Critchfield, Samuel Farr; and the following in Company
G: Jonathan Hart, M. B. Arnett, W. O. Kimble, J. J. Loudermilk, W. .O. White, G.
C. Youngman, Joseph Elliott, Philip Solomon, Andrew Alsman, W. H. Atkinson, P.
G. Atkinson, J. M. Burnett, Virgil Burnett, J. S. Burnett, S. L. Bennett, G. W.
Buck, R. M. Crawford, Uriah Douglas, Jonathan Graham, G. W. Hopewell, J. B.
Hopewell, George Houts, Lewis Hamilton, Abe Kaufman, Perry Kaufman, E. D. C.
Knots, J. T. Lisman, Richard Meloney, Allen McBride, Levi Miles, I. H. McKinney,
William McKinley, James McKinley, Daniel Purcell, L. C. Rose, G. Reynolds, W.
Roundtree, S. M. Rolph, W. H. Short, F. B. Smith, H. D. Stratton, G. A. Smith,
Noble Scott, J. T. Willis, Luke A. Walters, M. F. Willis; and the following in
other companies: Hiram Adams, J. A. Canady, F. N. McCrocklin, J. C. Pierce,
Isaac Patten, Perry Brown, J. N. Bennett, Samuel Dodd, J. M. Hayden, T. A.
McKinney, G. W. McKinney, W. W. Wilson, James Wells, T. J. Bostick, J. E.
Burnett, James Hopewell, H. T. Mattox. Company G was officered by the following
men from Sullivan County: J. D. Parvin, Captain; J. H. Weir, First Lieutenant;
W. F. Murphey, Second Lieutenant. This regiment took the field in Tennessee
early in March, 1865, and soon afterward moved to Decatur, Ala., in which
vicinity it did duty until mustered out. It received the surrender of the rebel
forces under Gens. Roddy and Polk. On the 27th of September it was mustered out
at Nashville.
Early in April came the news of the surrender of Gen. Lee, and the sure
prospect of peace created universal joy. In more than one place in the county
public meetings were held to mingle congratulations over the welcome news. The
joy was yet ascendant when the news was received of the assassination of
President Lincoln. A few seemed pleased at the crime, and so expressed
themselves, but the majority of all parties denounced the deed and hoped that
speedy death would be meted out to the murderer. The Democrat of April 20, said:
” Whatever opinion we may have entertained of Mr. Lincoln’s policy in
managing the affairs of the nation with respect to the great rebellion, we
cannot regard the manner of his removal with any other than feelings of the
utmost horror. It is not Abraham Lincoln alone, but in him the President of the
nation. It has been our boast that in this country we can change our rulers and
the entire policy of the Government by the peaceful means of the ballot box, and
the calmness and unruffled quiet with which the people witnessed such great
changes, was a marvel to Europeans. This assassination is a blow at our
beautiful system of free government, which must be condemned and execrated by
all who love their country. The death of President Lincoln we regard as an
especial calamity at this particular juncture of our affairs. We had come to
regard Mr. Lincoln as kindly disposed toward the erring and misguided people of
the South, who, wasted and almost exhausted with four years of a hopeless
struggle, were about ready to accept such amnesty as was indicated he would be
likely to offer. He had no personal wrongs to redress, no feelings of revenge to
gratify—indeed, he is represented as being eminently kind-hearted and forgiving.
We wish we could say the same of his successor.”
Immediately after the sorrowful news was received, appropriate memorial
ceremonies were held in several of the churches, and resolutions passed,
extolling the virtues of the eminent dead, and denouncing in cutting words the
awful deed. The paper said: “The effect on our community was plainly visible; it
cast a gloom OD every countenance, and a feeling of depression on every heart.”
On the 19th of September, 1862, the county was credited with having furnished
1,098 volunteers, of whom 1,067 were then in the service. Using this as a basis,
the approximate number of men furnished by the county to quell the rebellion can
be ascertained. Under the call of June, 1863, for six months’ men, the county
quota was not less than sixty men. Under the October call, 1863, the county
quota was 167 men; under the February call, 1864, was 321 men; under the March
call, 1864, was 128 men; under the July call, 1864, was 368 men, and under the
last call of the war, December, 1864, was 239 men. The county filled her quotas
in 1863, and under the calls of 1864, by the 31st of December, was credited with
771 men, volunteers, conscripts and substitutes. On the 14th of April, 1865,
when all attempts to raise troops in the State were abandoned, the county was
credited with having furnished under the call of December, 1864, a total of 217
men, and at this time there was a county deficiency of twenty-two men. From this
it will be seen that the total credits of the county during war were the sum of
1,098, 60, 167, 771 and 217, from which sum the deficiency of twenty-two men
must be deducted. This gives a total credit of 2,291 men. This is a good
showing, but it must be observed that each man has been counted as often as he
entered the service, which in some instances was as high as three times; and it
must be further observed that under the last call of the war and perhaps others,
all men who enlisted for three years, were equivalent (so counted), to three
times as many men for one year. But Sullivan County, notwithstanding the hard
name it received, did better than some counties of greater pretended loyalty.
She did well the first two years, but fell off the closing years of the war,
though the drafts brought out the troops.
During the early summer of 1861, the ladies of the county, and the citizens
generally, contributed from their private means and labor to assist the families
of volunteers, and to supply the hospitals with bandages, fruits, stores, etc.
And again in the winter of 1861-62, private help was furnished quite liberally,
though appropriation of public funds was not regarded with favor. In the spring
of 1862, the action taken is referred to back in this chapter. The winter of
1862-63, revived the donation of local relief, but it was not until November,
1863, that a Ladies’ Aid Society was organized at the county seat. At that time,
at a meeting held at the court house, presided over by George Parks, President,
and Daniel Langdon, Secretary, Sewell Coulson moved that a committee of one
dozen ladies should be appointed to solicit money and supplies of clothing and
provisions for soldiers’ families, whereupon the following committee was
appointed: Mrs. F. D. Neff, Mrs. Dr. Thompson, Mrs. M. Malott, Mrs. William
Griffith, Miss Mattie Stark, Miss C. M. Reed, and Messrs. J. H. Weir, J. H.
Wilson, Matthew McCammon, James W. Hinkle, W. G. Neff and William Griffith. On
motion, the following committee was appointed to distribute the supplies: Murray
Briggs, George Parks and James W. Brodie. This organization did excellent
service during the winter, hauling wood, buying clothing, groceries, meat,
flour, etc., for the families of soldiers. After this winter, no action seems to
have been taken in this direction. What was done in other localities of the
county, if anything, cannot be stated. The county paid no bounty until near the
close of the war, when a heavy drain was made upon the treasury to make up for
lost time, besides which large amounts were paid by the townships. The
following, taken from the Adjutant General’s reports, is the best statement of
the bounty paid that can be given:
Bounty. Relief.
Sullivan County $83,600 $18,458 71
Jackson Township 1,600 600 00
Curry Township 3,300 830 00
Fairbanks Township 1,800 500 00
Turman Township 2,200 815 00
Hamilton Township 27,500 8,100 00
Cass Township 1,200 400 00
Jefferson Township 2,750 505 00
Haddon Township 33,000 2,125 00
Gill Township 9,800 1,075 00
Total 166,750 33,408 71
Grand total $200,158 71
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