Edward Marvel, of Georgetown Hundred 02/14/1867 02/18/1867 Folio 392
Bequeaths to:
1. Thomas Ross Marvel –son – To have the farm whereon the testator now lives being the lands the testator purchased from his father Thomas Marvel cont. 120 acres and also a piece of land the testator purchased from William Lingo adjoining the testator’s home place and cont. 6 acres running from the testator’s home farm down with the state road to where it intersects with the cross roads and thence … until it intersects the corner of the testator’s lands
– Named executor of the will
2. William Edward Derickson – grandson George M. D. Derickson – grandson – to have a piece or parcel of land which is lying at the corner of Col. Garner H. Wright’s land and running with the said Wright’s land until it intersects with the lands of William Tam and thence… to an old corner white oak with Tam’s land and course until it comes to the lands of David Pepper’s land and thence… to the land of John Sorden(?) and the said testator’s land cont. 60 acres and to have on the condition they cancel a bond against the testator.
3. Rhoda P. Hudson – daughter – to have a certain piece or parcel of land beginning at the corner of David Pepper’s fence and thence…until it comes to a sliped pine thence…to a white oak between Jacob D — and the testator’s land being a corner tree between the said – cant. 60 acres of land
4. Mary Ann Pepper – daughter (wife of Peter Pepper) – to have a piece of land beginning at a pine in the corner of a ditch near the old brickiln and thence with the road until it comes to the Maple Swamp Bridge and thence…to a corner near the field of Jacob D. —cont. 60 arces
5. Elizabeth P. Wilson – daughter (wife of Major W. Wilson) – to have a piece or parcel of land beginning at the Maple Swamp Bridge and thence…with the road of David Pepper to a corner of the lands of the said David Pepper and the lands of the testator thence…to a corner… until it comes to Jacob D. –‘s fence and known as the James Laws land cont. 50 acres and also to have 1 acre of land on the state road adjoining to the Poor House farm.
6. John C. Derickson – grandson – to have the residue of the tract of land called the James Laws tract and adjoining the lands of David Pepper, the Poor House, George A. Jones and Thomas W. Hatfield cont. 40 acres.
7. Emelia T. Jones – daughter (wife of John P. Jones) – to have a part of the farm and land where John P. Jones lives all the whole field where the house stands from the state road easterly to the land of Adam Ennis and thence…to the lands of James Anderson up to the county road thence…to the state road cont. 120 acres and to have provided that a judgement of about $225.00 entered up against John P. Jones and the testator shall be fully paid and satisfied.
8. Ann Elizabeth Derickson – granddaughter – to have a piece or parcel of land beginning at the corner of the Poor House lot and running thence.. to the fence of William Jefferson and thence with his fence… to the county road and thence…to the beginning of the Poor House lot cont. 40 acres
9. Gatty Ann Penelope Layton Derickson – granddaughter – to have a piece or parcel of land beginning at the cross road and running a south course until it come to the end of the testator’s land and thence…to the lands of Joshua W. Pepper to a black oak thence..cont. 40 acres
Witnesses: E. Short of E
James P. W. Kollock
Then came: S. Short of E.
Note: The testator signed the will in his own hand
Note: letters of administration were granted to Thomas R. Marvel who gave bond with George Harris, G. W. Marvel and Charles T. Pepper, securities in the sum of $1200.00
(source: Sussex County, Delaware – Wills – Will Book Volume #11 1865-1868)